Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 193 The Raising Routine of a Blood Priest

Chapter 193 The Raising Routine of a Blood Priest (11)

But it's not easy.

Not long after Qin Lianqiao became the dean, no one knew what kind of woman he liked, let alone what kind of woman he hated.

Moreover, the dean's whereabouts are also very mysterious. If he left the orphanage on weekdays, no one would know where he went.

What broke Yu Chengcheng even more was that she had been wandering around the gate of the orphanage for several days, seeing Qin Ke coming in and out, but never seeing Lian Qiao coming out.

In the Hongguoguo Kindergarten Department, Lian Qiao, wearing sunglasses, casually leaned on the railing to watch a group of children playing games.The golden-white light and shadow fell on her, and many young female teachers in the Kindergarten Department blushed.

Qin Ke trotted to Lian Qiao's side, lowered her voice and said, "Dean, I have brought all the blood clan documents."

Hearing the sound, Lian Qiao took off her sunglasses and said lazily, "Well, did you meet Qin Heng?"

When Qin Heng was mentioned, Qin Ke became obviously gloomy. "No touch."

"how is this possible?"

Going to the blood clan to get things can still not be discovered by Qin Heng?

Lian Qiao was suddenly happy, and her playful eyes flicked across Qin Ke's face. "He avoids you?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Lian Qiao felt something was wrong. "No way, last time Qin Heng asked me when you will return to the blood clan."

I really don't understand what these two people are thinking.

Fortunately, the blood race is immortal, otherwise, with the dilly-dallying temperament of these two people, I'm afraid they won't be able to wait for the day when the misunderstanding is resolved.

Qin Ke stopped talking, and Lian Qiao waved her hands: "Let's go, let's stay where it's cooler."

In the Kindergarten Department, a group of children are playing ball in the yard.

Lian Qiao looked at it for a while, then took out her mobile phone from her pocket to deal with the mail.

At this time, a young female teacher finally plucked up the courage to come to her.

"What's the matter?" Lian Qiao looked up at the female teacher, then lowered her head and continued to browse emails.

The female teacher's cheeks were red, and she said softly and shyly, "Dean, do you have a date?"

There was a smile on Lian Qiao's lips.

This smile made the female teacher even more at a loss. "Dean?"

Is this true or not.

Lian Qiao has been in the Kindergarten Department for a long time these days. Although she is face blind, she still remembers the female teacher in front of her.The surname is Lin, and the name is also very nice, called Lin Yanxin.

At that time, Lin Yan's heart was pounding like a deer, and all his admiration was written on his face.

Lian Qiao pursed her lips, and said half-jokingly: "Doesn't Mr. Lin think that I'm not worthy of having a partner on my terms?"

Handsome, rich, good temper.

Lin Yanxin instantly understood what Lian Qiao meant. Although she was a little discouraged, she still maintained a good demeanor. "It's a pity, I thought I could catch a leak. Who knew that all the good men were taken home by others."

Lian Qiao thinks this girl is interesting, at least she is much cuter than Yu Chengcheng. "Don't worry, it's because you can't run away."

"Dean, you don't understand." Knowing that Lian Qiao had no shortage of partners, Lin Yan suddenly relaxed.She turned around and leaned against the railing, and said quietly: "I work here, and every day I come into contact with children no older than six years old. I usually live in the teacher's dormitory of Hongguoguo, and occasionally I don't go out when I am on vacation. Dean, Can I attack the vice president, although I don't know how old the vice president is, but he is well maintained, just like a handsome guy in his 20s!"

Lian Qiao thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that Qin Ke had been working in the orphanage for decades.In the past few years, he has been using the disguise technique, and it is only in the last ten years that he has used his own appearance to appear in front of everyone.


(End of this chapter)

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