Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 194 The Raising Routine of a Blood Priest

Chapter 194 The Raising Routine of a Blood Priest (12)

So in Lin Yanxin's heart, Qin Ke is also the vice president who has worked in Hongguoguo for more than ten years.

Lian Qiao was a little thankful that the original owner basically didn't come to the orphanage, otherwise she would have to use the Disguise Technique.After all, fathers and sons can't look exactly alike, right?

Thoughts were going back and forth, Lian Qiao finally coughed lightly, and told Lin Yanxin: "Don't love him, it won't work."

"Why!" Lin Yan was about to go crazy.

Is it so difficult for her to eat grass beside the nest!
"Anyway, don't get his idea." Lian Qiao couldn't explain the reason very well, so she had to change the subject: "By the way, a girl like you seems to have too little circle of friends. The Kindergarten Department can't find a suitable boy, you can Go to the elementary school, junior high school, and high school! It’s really impossible, and there are professors from the university department waiting for you.”

How could her huge red fruit not find a high-quality man?

Unexpectedly, Lin Yan had a bitter face, "Dean, if they should get married, if they should get married, if they should fall in love, it's my turn."

Lian Qiao was helpless: "Then I can't help it."

"I was thinking...how about I start to take the route of cultivation? Isn't it 15 years, sister Xiaoliangcheng is waiting for you to grow up!"

Lian Qiao: "..."

Someone, transfer this woman away! !
Now, immediately, immediately! !

As a result, Lin Yanxin was inexplicably promoted. Not only was he promoted to the primary school department, but he was also made a small leader.The little leader is so busy every day that he has no time to develop it.

The clock ticked away time.

In the blink of an eye, brother and sister Yu Liangcheng and Meng Yunshuo had been in the orphanage for nearly a year.

During this year, the three children grew taller, not only adapted to life in the orphanage, but even made new friends.

Children who grow up in Hongguoguo Orphanage can become leaders in various industries.What's more worth mentioning is that they have an almost crazy obsession with the Hongguoguo Orphanage.

It can be said that children who have gone out of Hongguoguo have never had a weakness.They put themselves into work in the most sane state, and the only thing that can affect them is the three words Hong Guoguo.

There was once a kid who liked acting and entered the entertainment industry, but was almost caught unspoken because of his good looks.And the one who saved her was none other than the senior who was also from Hongguoguo.

At that time, the girl's eyes were tearful, and the senior only said: "If it were someone else, I would definitely not be nosy. But you are different, because you and I come from the same place."

So what does Hongguoguo mean to these children?Is to rely on, is the eternal umbrella.

Orphans and orphans are the most miserable and helpless, but when they get together in Hongguoguo, they become a fire, a fire that is always hot.

But... there are exceptions to everything.

For example, Yu Liangcheng who was fighting with Xiaopang.

In the office, Lian Qiao was no stranger to the fight between the two. "One big fight every three days, one small fight every two days. It's been a year, Yu Liangcheng, Shitou, what's going on with you two?"

Little Fatty burst into tears, and kept wiping away the tears with his little hands.Yu Liangcheng immediately pinched his waist like a little adult. "Why are you crying, you cry every time, it's so annoying!"

It is obvious that he is the one who is more in pain and easier to cut.

Lian Qiao took a deep breath, "So are you going to talk about it today?"

The two little kids didn't speak, and Lian Qiao almost collapsed. "Stone, you are seven years old, don't fight, okay! You have been working on the subject of the kindergarten to the elementary school for two years, you have to work hard. Otherwise, the other children will be in the first grade, and only you will stay in the kindergarten." What should we do?"

With that said, Lian Qiao began to train Yu Liangcheng again: "And you, why do you, a four-year-old kid, still bully Shitou? He still has to learn, so don't bother him, okay?"


(End of this chapter)

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