Chapter 25 Pampering the Young Lady of the Hou Mansion (End)
Lian Qiao ignored him and continued to settle accounts with pens, but there were more thoughts from someone behind her.

"Ma'am, do you know what day it is today?"

Lian Qiao: "I know, the sixth day of April."

"Then do you remember when we got married?"

Lian Qiao: "The sixth day of June last year."

"Yeah, it's been almost a year!"

Su Sui felt wronged.

Lian Qiao: "It's because I went to Mobei on the day I got married. It's because I left for several months. It's because I came back with injuries all over my body. It's because I delayed your consummation?"

After a series of questioning, Su Sui only felt his scalp go numb.

The key point is that what people say makes sense!

Forget it, the future is long.

System: […] Oh, the male supporting role is eaten to death by the host!
Su Sui finally calmed down.He's not good at settling accounts, and just about to tell Lian Qiao not to stay up too late, she heard her say, "Are you leaving? It's all over here."

Lian Qiao turned around, hooked his belt lightly, and smiled sweetly. "What are you still doing in a daze, hug me to the bed, or do you want to be here?"

Without even thinking about it, Su Sui directly picked her up horizontally, and then walked steadily towards the bedside.Lian Qiao was lying on the bed, with black hair all over the bed.

"Old Madam Lian said that only by having a son can a mother be more valuable than a son." Lian Qiao's beautiful eyes were as bright as stars, "What do you think?"

"No problem." Su Sui gently tore off the bow tied around her waist, and said quietly, "Aren't you expensive enough? You see, in this mansion, Nanny Chen belongs to you, butler Wang belongs to you. Shadow is still yours. What about me? I have nothing, if Madam gets angry, I’m afraid I’ll take Xiao Nan to sleep on the street.”

Lian Qiao was really amused, "How can you be so exaggerated?"

Su Sui sighed, "It's really such an exaggeration."

"Hearing your tone is very melancholy, why, are you still not happy?"

Su Sui smiled, stretched out his hand and peeled off Lian Qiao's layers of clothes.When the blush climbed up her cheeks and the two of them met each other honestly, he said: "Of course I'm happy, it's just for my husband's needs to satisfy my wife, and I will never give my wife a chance to raise a male favorite."

Lian Qiao snorted, and then got lost in the joy Su Sui brought her.

Su Sui diverted Lian Qiao's attention while talking, when suddenly the pain hit, and the girl's eyes overflowed with tears!

It hurts, it really hurts!

Su Sui didn't feel well, but he still kissed the corner of her lips lightly. "Don't cry, it won't hurt anymore..."

The room is full of charm.


This autumn, Lian Anran was executed, and Lian Qiao refused her request to see her for the last time because she was pregnant.

There is nothing to see. In this plane, two people are in an endless relationship.If Lian Qiao doesn't make a move, it will be her, Su Sui and Su Nan, the green screen, and even the Yin family in Jiangnan who will suffer.

This winter, Green Screen got married.Although Lian Qiao cared about the fetus in her womb, she still tried her best to do it herself.Coincidentally, that person is Chen Qing, the eldest son of Nanyang Hou's mansion. By chance, Nanyang Hou brought Chen Qing to the mansion as a guest, and they became friends from then on.

Although the Nanyang Marquis Mansion has no real power, but because Chen Qing is pure and kind, and his family background is clean, he can be considered a good match.Of course, the most important thing is...the two love each other.

Lian Qiao did give birth to a daughter as Su Sui wished, named Su Su, nicknamed Tang Bao.

When Tang Bao was nine years old, Lian Qiao's school had been established for ten years.

In the past ten years, the school has provided countless outstanding students.They either entered the imperial court to fulfill their ambitions, or stayed in the school to continue teaching and educating people, and what's more, they abandoned literature and followed the military to follow Su Sui to fight on the battlefield!And Su Nan and Su Yuan, who were personally taught by Su Sui, are even more talented in both culture and martial arts.

Lian Qiao not only changed the fate of the original owner, but also changed the fate of countless poor students.Since then, no one else can shake Su Sui's position as the Great General.

I don't know how many years have passed, Su Sui still sits in the courtyard watching the sunset with his arms around Lianqiao's waist as he did when he was young.In the afterglow of the setting sun, both of them had smiles in their eyes.

The most romantic thing I can think of is growing old with you.

"Ah Qiao, I still want to be with you in my next life."

Lian Qiao: "Oh."


The corners of Lian Qiao's lips curled up into a smile: "Together, can we still be together?"

Anyway, I can't escape her palm!

 This plane became a little sweet text in the end (cover face)

  There is no special episode for now, but there should be one in the future!
  Another: The next plane is even more exciting~
(End of this chapter)

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