Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 26 The villain listens to the chapter, I am your aunt

Chapter 26 The villain is obedient, I am your aunt (1)

Lian Qiao opened her eyes again and found herself in a very small room.The walls of the room were covered with old newspapers, and the mottled graffiti on the walls were exposed where the newspapers fell off.

Like renting a house.

At this time, the system passed all the plane information to her.

The original host is Song Lianqiao, the female partner of this plane.The male and female protagonists are Shen Xingzhi and Tao Jiajia respectively, one is the prince of the Shen Group, and the other is the daughter of the Dow Group, they are childhood sweethearts.

For some reason, Lian Qiao felt that her body was limp, she couldn't lift up her strength, and her head still hurt a little.Not feeling well, Lian Qiao didn't bother to listen to the nonsense the system said, and asked directly: [Speaking of business, where is my male partner? ]
What is the relationship between the hero and heroine and her?She doesn't want a heroine!
The system hesitated for a moment, and said bitterly: [Host, why don't we have a male supporting role in this plane? ]

[Why not? ]

[Host, he...he is your nephew! ]

Lian Qiao: […]
About 2 minutes later, Lian Qiao suppressed the cursing words, and said: [What's his name, how old is he this year?Most importantly, are we related by blood! ]
Lian Qiao has already made up her mind, as long as the system dares to say so, let it experience domestic violence tonight!

The system is still very sensible, it first emphasizes one point: [No blood relationship, absolutely no blood relationship!His name is Shen Zhao, and he is 17 this year like the hero and heroine. You are a little older, 19 years old.But these are not important, what is important is that the relationship between this plane is more complicated! ]

[How complicated is it?I do not believe. ]
System: [Let's put it this way, the male lead likes the female lead, the female lead likes the male lead, the male lead likes the female lead, and the female lead likes the male lead.In the end, in order for the hero and heroine to have a happy ending together, the female supporting role had to go offline!Oh, by the way, it was the heroine's mother who killed her. ]
Lian Qiao: […]
OK, she believed it.

It is indeed a bit complicated.

One person, one system was silent for a moment, Lian Qiao felt a little sad.

In this plane, the female supporting role likes the male supporting role, why was she killed?

Can the hero blame her for liking her?
[its not right! ] Lian Qiao pondered for a long time and finally found the problem, [Doesn't the hero like the female supporting role? ]

The system said quietly: [Because of the death of the female lead, the considerate care of the female lead finally brought the male lead out of the shadows, and finally lived happily together. ]
Lian Qiao: […]
Nonsence!She died for no reason, didn't she?

After basically understanding the relationship between the strange characters, the landline beside the bed rang.

They still use landlines these days, it seems that the female supporting role is quite poor.

Lian Qiao picked up the phone and found that her voice was hoarse as soon as she opened her mouth. "Hello. Who is this?"

There was silence on the other side for a while, and finally a boy's deep voice came: "Are you sick?"

At this time, Lian Qiao received part of the original plot, and knew that it was the call from her male partner Shen Zhao.

Lian Qiao couldn't help but feel a little happy when she thought that she was her male partner. "Nephew, what can you do with my aunt?"

Shen Zhao: "..."

Ahhhhhh, what are you doing, host?Do you want to chase the male supporting role or want to be the male supporting role's aunt?What are the meanings of this kindly little tune?

Shen Zhao said sullenly: "Can you come to the police station? It's fine if you don't feel well..."

Lian Qiao: "Come on, come on, you stay where you are and don't move, Auntie is here to support you!"

Shen Zhao: "..." There is something wrong with this woman.


 Chapter 4 today~
(End of this chapter)

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