Chapter 389 This cat is so cute (16)

So in Zhong Ziyou's short life plan, there is no option of love.

Facing Luo Junan's Lavender invitation, Yu Nian was not at all tempted.Not to mention that Zhong Ziyou has already shown her the most beautiful lavender, even the lavender in the game is made by her company, would she care?

It's just that she thought that she could ask the technical department to move the entire Regent's mansion to plant lavender for cutting.

Yu Nian poked his hand and chose to go offline.

Meanwhile, Lian Qiao is bored in the underworld.

There are only Granny Meng and a few little ghosts in the underworld. Lian Qiao changes from cat to human, and she is naked, so she dare not wander around outside.

[Tongzi, can you be more reliable?Your poor host is stuck in the game and can't get out yet.No matter how bad you are, you have to tell me how to control my form, right? ]
Otherwise it would be very embarrassing, not to mention Zhong Ziyou, she herself has a sense of shame that she will run naked at any time!

The system is quite helpless: [Host, I have tried my best to remedy it.The current situation is that you can enter and exit the game at will during the day, and you can only stay in the game at night. ]
Lianqiao doesn't care if she can leave the game, she just wants to know how to control her form. [Then can I control myself? ]
After struggling for another half an hour, the system breathed a sigh of relief. [Okay host, you can freely switch forms whether it is a game or reality!As for the clothes... there is no other way, you can only dress yourself after switching forms...]
Lian Qiao was quite satisfied with this result: [Okay, you have worked hard! ]
System: [You're welcome ⊙▽⊙]

Lian Qiao took human form and wrapped her body in the black gauze curtain that Zhong Ziyou tore off earlier.Black hair reaching to waist, exquisite figure, fair skin like snow, delicate and charming facial features.The cat demon is so beautiful and soft.

Everything was fine until Lian Qiao felt itchy on the top of her head, and then touched the furry cat ears.

[Tongzi! ! ]
System: [Ah, this... a mistake.But host, you look pretty like this, really! ]

Sexy and cute, with fluffy ears, want to touch!
Lian Qiao touched her ears, stayed in the room for a while, and after confirming that only the ears were abnormal, said: [Okay, that's fine too. ]
Although the ears pop out from time to time, Lian Qiao can indeed switch between cat and human forms at will.

System: [Okayヾ()]
The existence of Lian Qiao in the game is very special. To Zhong Ziyou, she is a player, but to other players, she is an NPC.

Lian Qiao didn't know when Zhong Ziyou would log in to the game again, she had to wait until dawn in the real world before she had a chance to go out.

This pitiful plane.

The next day, Sunday.

Zhong Ziyou gets up on time, eats breakfast on time, and lives like a robot every day.

"Master Ziyou, today is Miss' birthday, are you going to eat there at noon or evening or come back?" The nanny asked him kindly after drying her hands.

On weekdays, Zhong Ziyou lives alone in this apartment, and only goes to the Linhai villa on holidays or special days.

"Yu Xiaonian celebrates his birthday, I'll go there."

The nanny breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, Master Ziyou, then I won't come here today."

Zhong Ziyou said hello, and when he noticed that her expression was not right, he asked another question. "What's the matter, do you have something to do at home?"

"There is nothing wrong with my family, but a family rented my house. The woman has been in poor health all year round. She is a medicine jar. She suddenly fainted and sent to the hospital this morning. It seems that the situation is not very good." When the auntie nanny said this, His brows and eyes were full of pity.

(End of this chapter)

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