Chapter 390 This cat is so cute (17)

"She has a son and a daughter, and the son is still in the second year of high school. The family usually lives on the money that the daughter earns from doing small labor on the construction site. It's so pitiful, so I want to go to the hospital and help if I can."

The rich and the poor, the poor and the rich in this world, like their family, are the ones who are struggling to survive.

"What disease is it?" Zhong Ziyou asked more.

"That woman's stomach has always been bad, and it seems to be cancer. Master Ziyou, I shouldn't have told you this, but to be honest, let her die. If she is lying half dead in the hospital, my daughter will go Without the construction site, the whole family will have problems eating. Alas, this disease is a bottomless pit, and it is a drag."

Zhong Ziyou has been to the hospital many times since he was a child, and he also knows that there are too many sufferings in the world every day in the hospital.

Sighing lightly, he took out a card from the drawer. "Not much, let's use it first."

The nanny was slightly taken aback. She remembered that this was Zhong Ziyou's prize money for participating in several international painting competitions, which seemed to add up to more than 80 yuan. "Master Ziyou, this..."

As the saying goes, it’s not enough to save the poor.That house is a bottomless pit, no one dares to go up!Now the family's daughter is 28 years old, and she has no education and looks average. Although she can endure hardships and is capable, due to the burden of the family, no in-laws dare to take her.

The 80 is spent, but you can't get it back!

Zhong Ziyou's expression was indifferent: "Take it, today is Yu Xiaonian's birthday, so let's do it for her."

The nanny took the card, "Master Ziyou, I thank you on behalf of that family!"

Originally, the nanny wanted to say that good people are rewarded with good rewards and that good people live a safe life, but Master Ziyou...


Not long after the nanny left, Yu Nian broke into Zhong Ziyou's apartment in a hurry.

"Big grapefruit! I'm here to pick you up and eat cake!" Yu Nian reached out to pet the orange cat as soon as he entered the door, and complained as he touched it: "Cousin, your cat seems to have become obedient again. I hugged it!"

She didn't know what kind of gunpowder she had eaten in the past week, and she exploded when she touched it.

As soon as Yu Nian finished speaking, Zhong Ziyou came over and took the cat from her arms. "Don't hug it."

"Cut, don't hug if you don't. When I live alone in the future, I will raise one myself!"

"The birthday present is in the study, take it yourself."

Yu Nian hurriedly ran to the study room, and saw a big box on the floor, on which was written a reluctantly prepared gift for Yu Xiaonian.The corner of Yu Nian's mouth twitched slightly, and he shouted into the living room: "Big grapefruit, put all my birthday presents on the floor, you are too reluctant! Next time you do this again, I won't want it!"

He said no, but his body opened the box honestly.

In the next second, Yu Nian seemed to have fallen into an ice cave.She gritted her teeth and said viciously: "Grapefruit, what does it mean to give me a complete set of handwritten knowledge points summary of all subjects in high school plus original test questions plus a super complete and detailed study plan down to the second? Grapefruit, today is my birthday, You have no heart!"

Zhong Ziyou walked into the study from the outside, holding another box in his hand.

Looking at the packaging, Yu Nian knew it was the limited edition Lolita skirt that she had always wanted to buy but couldn't get it.

Both eyes shine!

Zhong Ziyou raised his eyebrows: "I don't have a heart?"

"Yes, yes! Cousin, you are the best to me! You are the best, most handsome and most wonderful cousin in the world!"

Zhong Ziyou was disgusted by the word cousin. "Take it away, take it away, Yu Xiaonian, you are so worthless!"

Yu Nian didn't care about him, and hugged the box and kissed him several times.

Zhong Ziyou: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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