Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 41 The villain listens to the chapter, I am your aunt

Chapter 41 The villain is obedient, I am your aunt (16)

Lian Qiao hadn't signed a contract with Mesa Entertainment at that time, so everyone began to speculate on when the contract would be signed.

In fact... Lian Qiao has no plans to sign a contract at all!
After all, as long as she takes a picture of the cover from time to time, she can use the money created by the system in an open and honest manner.


It was another Saturday, and Song Zheng paid her salary to her card as scheduled.

"One, two, three, four, five, six... six zeros?" Lian Qiao looked at the string of zeros on the bank card and was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped.

Is it worth giving 500 million for a magazine cover?
She's just a newcomer, little transparent!
Seeing her surprised expression, Shen Zhao leaned over to take a look, and was also stunned.

Even if Lian Qiao shoots well, such a high salary is still suspicious.

At this time, Song Zheng's video invitation was sent over.

Since Lian Qiao was still wearing pajamas after taking a shower, Shen Zhao refused to let her appear on the scene.

When the video was connected, Song Zheng thought that he could see his sweet little girl, but what he saw was a man!


Still a man in a bathrobe!

Please, he doesn't want to look at men, what he wants to see now is the little girl, okay?
Pulling on his tie, Song Zheng said bluntly, "Where's Lian Qiao? I have something to say to her."

"Just tell me directly, it's not convenient for her now."


It's inconvenient at night, this sentence really makes people think about it.

Song Zheng coughed lightly, and did not embarrass Shen Zhao, but said seriously: "Then tell Lian Qiao that if you are free tomorrow, our family would like to have dinner with her."

He didn't say invite her to dinner, but eat with her.

Shen Zhao was puzzled: "Why?"

"Don't ask so many questions, you can come tomorrow too."

As for my future brother-in-law, of course I can too.

Besides, the child's affairs have to be left to my sister and brother-in-law!
The irritable Mr. Song is humble online.

When Shen Zhao and Song Zheng were video chatting, Lian Qiao was sitting on the side recalling the plot.

She didn't remember that the original owner had any relationship with Meisha Entertainment, let alone Song Zheng.So... what the hell is going on?

Shen Zhao vaguely felt that it might have something to do with Lian Qiao's life experience.

Her surname is Song, and the president of Meisha Entertainment is also surnamed Song...

Lian Qiao shook her head. "No, I am living a good life now, there is no need to let unknown things disrupt my rhythm."

Song Zheng also heard Lian Qiao's words. He was anxious, and immediately explained: "Little sister, I am my brother. We missed you very much after you disappeared, and we never gave up looking for it all these years!"

brother, mother.

What an unfamiliar word to the original owner.

The guess in his heart was confirmed, and Shen Zhao smiled wryly.It turned out that she had a happy family waiting for her to go home.

Song Zheng is still fighting: "Little girl, you don't have to worry about your boyfriend, my mother and I will not stop you from being together. Be obedient, and meet us tomorrow, okay? Who, say something! Could it be Do you have the heart to live a hard life with you!"

The Song family can definitely give Lian Qiao a bright future.

Shen Zhao was shaken, "How about..."

"I don't think it's a hard day." Lian Qiao interrupted him, "We can see each other tomorrow, but don't bother me after tomorrow."

It's not that she is unfeeling, but that Lian Qiao really can't develop feelings for the Song family.Let alone her, I am afraid that the original owner himself will not be able to accept it.

The next day, a sunny day.

The Song family directly booked the most high-end hotel in Anyang and waited for Lian Qiao's arrival.


(End of this chapter)

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