Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 42 The villain listens to the chapter, I am your aunt

Chapter 42 The villain is obedient, I am your aunt (17)

Mother Song was wearing a dark blue cheongsam with light make-up, it looked like she had been well-groomed.

After a while, the door of the box opened, and Song Zheng and Wei Qi came in.

Speaking of which, although the relationship between Wei Qi and Song Zheng has always been very good, this is the first time that Wei Qi saw Song's mother seriously.

Song's mother only glanced at Wei Qi lightly, did not speak, but revealed her displeasure.After all, he supported Song Zheng not to get married.

Fortunately, Wei Qi just came to deliver a document, turned around and left the hotel after delivery.

After a while, the door came again, this time it was Lian Qiao and Shen Zhao who came in.The moment she saw Lian Qiao, tears welled up in Mother Song's eyes.

Lian Qiao was not close to her, but hid behind Shen Zhao.Shen Zhao was quite moved by the girl's subconscious actions.

Only then did Song's mother notice the man who came with Lian Qiao.

Shen Zhao, the illegitimate son of the Shen family, had been living in the orphanage before, and has not been recognized by the Shen family until now.In just a few days, Song's mother had already investigated him to the bottom.

Pursing her lips, she said, "Lian Qiao, come and sit down quickly, let mother take a good look at you."

Lian Qiao didn't respond, but the door of the box opened again!
"Auntie, you won't blame me for Xiaoxue's late arrival, will you?" Tao Xue was flamboyant in a bright red dress.

Song's mother laughed before saying anything, "No blame, no blame, Xiaoxue, come and sit down, you are pregnant, so you can't be tired."

"Thank you, Auntie, for your concern."

The two of you come and go, so kind.

At that time Lian Qiao was still hiding behind Shen Zhao, but Song Zheng's face turned dark. "Mom, what are you doing? Why is she here!"

The agreed family banquet, why did an outsider come?
At that time, Tao Xue had already sat next to Song's mother, and immediately got up when she heard the words: "Mr. Song, don't be angry, if you don't want to see me, I'll just leave!"

"Don't leave!" Song's mother grabbed her wrist, "I invited you, the future young mistress of the Song family, whoever has you can't leave!"

Song Zheng's face turned even worse, "Mom, let me say it again, I will never get married in this life! You don't let her go because you want me to go? Well, anyway, you have found your sister, she likes a man, The Song family has a queen! In that case, I'll go!"

"Stop! Xiaoxue is pregnant with your child, are you so irresponsible!"

"I never touched her!" Song Zheng squeezed out the words through his teeth. "Mom, if you force me again, the Song family will no longer have Song Zheng!"

The sky is big, and the earth is big, he doesn't believe that if he doesn't get married, he can't live the rest of his life!
At that time, Song's mother was surprised at first, and then she couldn't believe it.

This is to sever ties with her!

Lian Qiao was tired after watching a farce. "Mrs. Song, I'm leaving first. Please don't disturb my life in the future."

The so-called happy family of the Song family is nothing but a bubble that will burst at the slightest touch.

Song's mother could not agree with Song Zheng's choice, so every confrontation between the mother and son was not mutual torture.

More than ten years have passed, and Lian Qiao has not seen from Song's mother how much love she has for the original owner.Otherwise, she wouldn't be talking and laughing with Tao Xue as soon as Tao Xue came.

Maybe her zi palace is more important than herself.

Lian Qiao turned around without any hesitation, Song's mother panicked, she said: "Lian Qiao, mother can give you the best life, and I can give you whatever you want in the future, and in the future, mother will find you the best girl in the world." My man, be good, come back, okay?"

Rich clothes and fine food, the temptation of a beautiful man?
Lian Qiao sneered, "No need for Mrs. Song, Lian Qiao cannot bear your kindness."

After speaking, she took Shen Zhao's hand and walked forward step by step firmly.

It was a good family dinner, but broke up because of Tao Xue's arrival.

Outside the hotel, Song Zheng was waiting for Lian Qiao.


 Chapter 4 today~
(End of this chapter)

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