Chapter 423 The bandit leader is surnamed Xue (9)

The next day, Xue Fei originally planned to go back to the village, but something unexpected happened suddenly, so he had to stay another day.

Next to Xue Fei was a man named Zhang Cheng, who seemed to be rough and vicious and not easy to mess with.

Xue Fei raised his chin, "Protect her well."

Even if it is a temporary fake Mrs. Yazhai, if she can go out, she will have to come back.

"Yes, Master Xue."

Not long after Xue Fei left, Lian Qiao took Zhang Cheng straight to a spice shop called Xiangmanlu.In addition to selling ancestral rouge powder, flavors and fragrances, Xiangmanlu also sells some perfumes shipped from the West.

The profit of Xiangmanlu shop is quite high, but the boss's health is getting worse and worse, and he really can't afford the operation of a store.Coupled with the fact that he has never married a wife and has no children in his eighties, he thought about selling the shop with the formula.

Lian Qiao was very interested in the ancestral formula, and found this shop early in the morning according to the address given by the system.

The boss, surnamed Wang, is a fat man with a very kind smile on his face.

Lian Qiao walked into the shop and saw that the overall decoration was very elegant, and there was a pot of green plants next to the window, with wide and fat leaves swaying, and she was inexplicably happy.Xiangmanlu is a spice shop, so there is a faint fragrance in the air.Fragrant but not greasy, fresh and elegant.

Lian Qiao found the boss, first introduced herself, and then briefly explained the purpose of her visit.After Boss Wang heard this, he stroked his beard and said, "Miss Lian, this time I am not only selling the shop, but also the formula. After all, it is something passed down from my ancestors. If it wasn't because I couldn't find a suitable candidate, I wouldn't choose to sell it to outsiders. .

The income of Xiangmanlu is very good, and there are many buyers staring at me now.The reason why I haven't signed the transfer contract is because I don't want it to be a tool to make money. "

Lian Qiao nodded, "I understand what you said. To be honest, I am not short of money. What really attracts me is the formula passed down from my ancestors. The spice culture has a long history, and I sincerely hope to pass it on forever."


Boss Wang was a little emotional, and just about to say something, he heard a woman's voice coming from the door. "Miss Lian, we meet again."

Lian Qiao tilted her head slightly, and saw Shang Zhenzhen in a small dress and bright lipstick.

Enemy road is narrow.

Shang Zhenzhen looked at the surrounding environment casually, nodded: "Not bad."

As she said that, she smiled slightly, and said to Boss Wang: "Hi, I'm Shang Zhenzhen from the Shang family, and I plan to discuss with you about the purchase of shops and formulas. Our Shang family is willing to spend eight thousand oceans, you see how?"

"This..." Boss Wang hesitated, "Miss Shang, there are many people who want to buy Xiangmanlu, and I'm still considering it."

"It doesn't matter, they won't offer more than [-] Dayang. Boss Wang, you shouldn't have trouble with money, right?"

A thin layer of sweat had already oozed from Boss Wang's forehead.

Shang Zhenzhen's red lips were slightly hooked, and there was a slightly mocking smile on her lips. "Nowadays, the world is difficult, beggars and bandits are everywhere, and you can buy a top-notch house in Pingxi for only a thousand oceans. Boss Wang, you are eager to make a move. You should know who you should sell the shop to, right?"

Baqian Dayang is a lot for other buyers, but for Shangjia, it is just a basic operation, and the price is even a bit low.The reason why Shang Zhenzhen dared to quote this price was because he believed that Boss Wang would not dare to offend the Shang family.

In the 20 years that Shang Zhenzhen lived outside, he saw all the faces of rich people bullying others.Later, as soon as I became the daughter of a rich family, I unknowingly changed into that appearance.


(End of this chapter)

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