Chapter 424 The bandit leader is surnamed Xue (10)

Boss Wang really didn't dare to offend the Shang family, he sighed lightly, and said to Lian Qiao: "I'm really sorry, the shop can't be sold to you, Miss Lian has been working so hard for nothing..."

He didn't think Lian Qiao could offer a more expensive price than Baqian Dayang, and he didn't want to involve Lian Qiao in it.

Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows, "There is always a fair competition in business. She pays [-] oceans, and I pay [-]."

Isn't it just throwing money, who wouldn't?

Boss Wang's pupils opened slightly, as if he saw hope.The extra two thousand oceans is a trivial matter. He is a man who is almost 80 years old and has no wife and no children. Half of his neck is almost buried in the loess. What do you need so much money for?The main reason is that I don't want the ancestral formula to be destroyed in the Shang family's hands!
Who in Pingxi doesn't know that the Shang family started their business in a dirty and dirty manner by any means?
Shang Zhenzhen couldn't believe his ears. "just you?"

Lian Qiao took her bag from Zhang Cheng, and neatly signed a check for ten thousand silver dollars.Ignore Shang Zhenzhen, and said directly: "Boss Wang, if it's convenient for you, we can sign the agreement now."

Boss Wang nodded hurriedly, "Alright Miss Lian, this way please."

Shang Zhen really panicked, she tried to grab Lian Qiao's hand, but was pushed to the ground by Zhang Cheng.

In the next second, Shang Zhen cried out in pain, and Zhang Cheng looked innocent: "I just touched her lightly."

Lian Qiao: "..."

How to be as virtuous as Xue Fei?
The maid who was with her hurriedly went to help Shang Zhenzhen's arm, but Shang Zhen was furious, and slapped the maid on the face: "Go away, don't touch me with your dirty hands!"

She got up from the ground, thinking of paying attention to her own image, she stretched out her hand to tidy up her somewhat messy hair.

Buying Xiangmanlu was the first task given to her by Shang Ronghua after she came to Shang's house, and it was she who took the initiative to fight for it.So she must handle this matter properly and beautifully, otherwise how could she establish her prestige in the Shang family?
"Shang Jiajia, I advise you to give up!" Shang Zhenzhen said with a cold face, "I can increase the price to [-] oceans, Xiangmanlu is mine, so just give up."

Miss Shang's identity is hers, and so is Xiangmanlu!

Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Shang Zhenzhen nodded, and suddenly smiled mockingly: "Are you afraid?"

Lian Qiao didn't expect that the first thing she did after leaving Shang's house was to run into Shang Zhenzhen head-on.It's just that when it comes to spending money, Lian Qiao has never been afraid of anyone.

Before entering this plane, she didn't dare to reveal her wealth rashly, but she was worried about ruining Shang Jiajia's personality.After all, how could a fake daughter who was kicked out by the Shang family have so much money?
And now, Lian Qiao took out another check from her bag. "Twenty-five thousand silver dollars, I will definitely take it when the fragrance is full."

"Impossible, how do you have so much money?" Shang Zhenzhen was on the verge of losing his mind. "Is it left to you by the Shang family? Impossible, I watched the steward with my own eyes and broke all your assets."

Suddenly thought of something, a strange light flashed in Shang Zhenzhen's eyes. "Which stinking man is this? Shang Jiajia, I underestimated you. After 20 years of education, you are still a bit of a vixen!"

Lian Qiao handed the two checks to Boss Wang, walked up to Shang Zhenzhen, and looked down at her by virtue of her height advantage. "First, my name is not Shang Jiajia. Second, if you're talking about business, just talk about business, not to mention what you have and what you don't have. Twenty-five thousand silver dollars, do you want more?"

Shang Ronghua's budget is [-] oceans.

Shang Zhenzhen did not expect to be increased to [-] silver dollars.


 The author not only writes about being rich, but also writes about how to make Lian Qiao rich enough to fit the plot of the plane.I personally think that a fake daughter who has just been kicked out by the Shang family will not be too rich, otherwise it will collapse.

  There is no plane where Lianqiao ends up being poor. It's impossible. I love my Lianqiao more than anyone else.I love her.

  Money is not everything, without money is absolutely impossible.My book is to hope that Lian Qiao can pursue what she wants without any shortage of money, not simply spending money.

  So this book is not purely spending money, and I don't like to make detours.

  After the explanation is over, sprinkle flowers.

  It's a bit serious, let's be cute by the way, meow~
(End of this chapter)

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