Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 44 The villain listens to the chapter, I am your aunt

Chapter 44 The villain is obedient, I am your aunt (19)

Song's mother stopped disturbing, and Song Zheng also chose to guard silently.Ever since, Lian Qiao's life has returned to peace.

On this day, after evening self-study, Lian Qiao planned to pack her schoolbag to find Shen Zhao, but she never thought that she would feel a pain in her neck as soon as she walked to the door, and then she lost her intuition.

When I woke up again, it was already two hours later.Lian Qiao rubbed the back of her neck while looking at her surroundings.In the dim light, the wind blowing outside could see the curtains rippling slightly.The furnishings in the room are also very simple, a bed and a table, and at this moment, Lian Qiao was tied up and randomly discarded in a corner of the room.

She thought about it, the only person in this plane who could kidnap her...

Shen Xingzhi?
The same captivity as in the original plot?

It was suffocating.

Lian Qiao moved her wrist a little, and found that the rope was tied very skillfully, and she couldn't untie it at all with her own strength!

At this moment, the door opened, and a deep voice sounded. "Stop struggling, you can't run."

Lian Qiao couldn't see his face clearly, so he said again: "Want to know who I am?"

With a snap, the headlights in the room turned on, and Lian Qiao closed her eyes subconsciously!
When her eyes got used to the light, she slowly opened them...

"It's you!"

It wasn't Shen Xingzhi, but Shen Xingzhi's father, Shen Yan?

"Why did you arrest me? Does Shen Xing know what you're doing?" Lian Qiao said calmly.

Shen Yan slowly approached her, then squatted in front of her, reaching out to stroke Lian Qiao's chin.After a long while, he said: "There is a bit of beauty, which can fascinate my two sons."

Lian Qiao's heart skipped a beat.

Shen Yan actually knew about her relationship with Shen Zhao?
Raising her head, Lian Qiao looked directly at Shen Yan: "Boss Shen is wrong. Shen Zhao and I are in love. What does Shen Xing know? I rejected him, and he hasn't come to me recently."

Shen Yan's hand increased strength, and Lian Qiao immediately felt a pain. "I don't care about Shen Zhao, but do you know what Xingzhi has been up to at home recently? He said it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you, it's you!"

Lian Qiao laughed angrily, "It turns out that Mr. Shen can't discipline his son, so he came to teach me? I really look down on you."

I can't even look down on your family!
In the original plot, Tao Jiajia's mother killed the original owner with a car, and now Shen Xingzhi's father kidnapped her again?
Do the family members of the hero and heroine want to be so tasteless!

Lian Qiao snorted coldly, and said again: "Do you want to kill me, or imprison me for the rest of your life? You will only make Shen Xing know how to hate you for the rest of your life! Not only that, if I die, Shen Zhao will definitely avenge me, when the time comes Shen Xingzhi will know Shen Zhao's life experience, and will know that your father is not as perfect as imagined.

The most terrifying thing is that Shen Xingzhi and Shen Zhao will turn against each other.Brother Shen shouldn't want to see the drama of brotherhood, right? "

In a sense, Shen Xingzhi is the delicate flower of the Shen family. His world only has truth, kindness and beauty, and there is no such ugly word as an illegitimate child.

The anger in Shen Yan's heart was completely aroused, and he laughed back in anger: "Then tell me, what should I do as a father?"

In fact, what Lian Qiao said was what Shen Yan was worried about, and every word could be said to be heartbreaking.

Lian Qiao's eyes were deep, and her gaze was firm: "What you do with the Shen family has nothing to do with me. I just hope that Shen Zhao will not be involved in this matter. If you dare to touch Shen Zhao's hair, I will definitely not let you go!"

"You little girl has such a big tone!"

"It has nothing to do with Mr. Shen!"


(End of this chapter)

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