Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 45 The villain listens to the chapter, I am your aunt

Chapter 45 The villain is obedient, I am your aunt (20)

In fact, Shen Yan didn't know that behind Lian Qiao was Song Zheng, or even the Song and Wei families.

In order to protect Lian Qiao, Song Zheng deliberately concealed her identity.Therefore, Shen Yan and Han Yue did not find out Lian Qiao's identity, otherwise, it would not be certain who to choose as the daughter-in-law between her and Tao Jiajia.

If Song Zheng didn't say anything, Lian Qiao wouldn't be so stupid as to blow herself up.

Shen Yan also felt that this matter was difficult, and he let go of the big palm that was pinching Lian Qiao's chin, and he sighed. "You really don't like Xingzhi? I think I have spent a lot of time and energy on cultivating Xingzhi."

At this moment, Shen Yan was sitting next to Lian Qiao, quite in the air of having a heart-to-heart talk.

Shen Xingzhi and Shen Zhao are both his sons, but in order to give Shen Xingzhi a happy family, he directly gave up on Shen Zhao.

For so many years, he knew that Shen Zhao lived in an orphanage, that he rented a house with Lian Qiao later, that he had to work every day to earn living expenses and tuition fees, and that he shouldered a burden that he shouldn't bear at this age...

However, he did nothing.

The corners of Lian Qiao's lips hooked slightly, revealing a hint of coldness. "Mr. Shen, I have been in love with Shen Zhao for more than ten years."

"But Shen Xingzhi can give you a better life, can't he?"

Lian Qiao shook her head, "Boss Shen, while you don't want Shen Xingzhi to like me, you also ask me why I don't like him. Don't you find it contradictory? Or do you want to see that I like Shen Xingzhi, but Shen Xingzhi Look down on me?"

This is really true.

Shen Yan couldn't hold back his face, because he really didn't want to see Shen Xingzhi being inferior to Shen Zhao, no matter in which aspect.

"I have nothing to talk to you, when will you let me go?"

It was pitch black outside, she had been missing for several hours, Shen Zhao would be worried.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the room. "Ah Qiao, are you in there? Are you there?"

It was Shen Zhao's voice!

Lian Qiao's eyes lit up!
"Are you happy?" Shen Yan mocked.

"Nonsense, don't you want to know how Shen Zhao found me?" Lian Qiao was really curious!
With a bang, the door was kicked open.Shen Zhao strode straight towards Lian Qiao without even looking at Shen Yan.

He untied the rope that bound Lianqiao three times, five times and two times, and directly hugged her horizontally.

"Shen Zhao." Shen Yan stopped him. "How did you find it?"

Shen Zhao sneered, stopped in his tracks, and turned his back to Shen Yan. "Don't call me by my name. If this is not the name my mother gave me, I would rather be named Xu! Shen Yan, you really don't deserve it."

Unworthy to be his father, unworthy to be liked by his mother, unworthy to be called a model husband.No, he really doesn't deserve it!
"Next time, I will never die with the Shen family for the rest of my life!"

After speaking, Shen Zhao strode out of the room with Lian Qiao in his arms.

It was cool and comfortable outside with a breezy night.

"Want to know how I found it?"

Lian Qiao nodded: "Yeah."

"This is the fifth place I've been looking for. Shen Yan has too many properties nearby. I'm sorry, otherwise I would have found you earlier."

I see……

Lian Qiao felt emotional in her heart, felt the tightness of his muscles, and comforted her: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Shen Zhao hugged Lian Qiao even tighter, "Only when I see you can I feel at ease."

He has nothing else to ask for in this life, the only thing he wants is her.


It wasn't until Shen Zhao walked out of the community with Lian Qiao in his arms that Shen Yan withdrew his gaze from following him closely.

Yeah, brotherhood is not what he wants to see.To be precise, he didn't want to see Shen Xingzhi hurt.

Although Shen Zhao and Shen Xingzhi were both his sons, Shen Yan knew very well in his heart that once Shen Zhao was touched the bottom line, he would recklessly fight back!

Except for Lian Qiao, he has no scruples and no weaknesses.And Shen Xingzhi...he has too much and cares about too much.


(End of this chapter)

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