Chapter 445 The bandit leader is surnamed Xue (31)

When Xue Fei went out, the roots of his ears were slightly red.

He was inexperienced in relationships, so he took in Lianqiao in a moment of soft-heartedness, and let her stay for one night before leaving.Later, in order to deal with the nagging of the old lady, she was asked to play the role of Mrs. Yazhai, and by the way, she announced her identity to the public.

As a result, the old lady seemed to like Lianqiao very much, she gave out all her family's wealth, and even started to give birth to children.

What's more, when Xue Fei thought about it at lunch today, he found out that the real and fake daughter of the Shang family made such a fuss, and directly pushed Lian Qiao to his side.Fate went round and round, and Xue Fei felt that he got the script of lying win in the end somehow.

There is a saying, cherish the people in front of you, otherwise you will be struck by lightning.

So Xue Fei thought, maybe he can try to like someone, try to protect someone.In this way, Lian Qiao will not be unable to marry because of him in the future.

And no matter what the matter is... it seems that he earned it.

Xue Fei is very self-aware of his own situation.


Xue Fei usually likes to walk in some deserted alleys when going out.

In the afternoon, when he was about to go back after finishing his affairs, he was stopped by several men in the alley.

Xue Fei had been a bandit for so many years, and this was the first time someone blocked his way.

I have seen it.

With an indifferent expression, he unhurriedly took out the gun from his waist, and before he could raise the gun, he knelt down on the other side. "Master Xue, calm down! Calm down! My lady wants to treat you to a cup of tea! Please do me a favor!"

Xue Fei sneered, "I don't even drink the mayor's tea, who is your lady?"

One of the men explained: "Miss Shang Zhenzhen, my lady said that she has some things belonging to Miss Lian in her hand. If you want to take them back, please come with us."

Pretty stuff.

"You have to tell me what it is, if it's of no value, isn't it a waste of my time?"

I'm hungry, I'm going home for dinner.

Several men looked at each other, and finally gave an answer: "Master Xue, when Miss Lian came to Shang's house 20 years ago, she didn't lose the clothes she was wearing, and she didn't lose a bracelet. My lady said you would want……"

Xue Fei didn't hear Lian Qiao mention these things, so she asked, "Does Lian Qiao know these things?"

"Back to Master Xue, Miss Lian probably doesn't know."

Xue Fei thought for a while, "Lead the way."

These things may be related to Lian Qiao's life experience, even if they are not needed, it is better to keep them in their own hands than to stay in the Shang family.

At the same time, in the box of Fulai Restaurant, Shang Zhenzhen had someone prepare a large table of food and wine.She was wearing a black slim dress, mysterious and sexy, with long curly hair and a lazy style.

Xue Fei just wanted to get something, and didn't want to come to the restaurant.Walking to the entrance of Fulai Restaurant, Taohong had already been waiting for a long time. "Master Xue, please come inside. My lady has prepared wine and food, and is waiting for you."

When Xue Fei followed Taohong to the box, Shang Zhenzhen waved Taohong to go out, and closed the door of the box by the way.

"Master Xue, long time no see." Shang Zhenzhen smiled sweetly, and when she spoke, she was charming. In the past 20 years, no man has ever been able to escape her grasp.

Xue Fei didn't speak, and Shang Zhenzhen took the initiative to help him open the chair.When her slender finger was about to touch his arm, Xue Fei took out the gun indifferently, and slapped it on the table with no seriousness.

Shang Zhenzhen's hands froze in mid-air, Xue Fei said directly: "Give me the things, and bring up whatever you want."

Xue Fei didn't think Shang Zhenzhen would be kind enough to give him things.


(End of this chapter)

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