Chapter 446 The bandit leader is surnamed Xue (32)

Shang Zhenzhen withdrew his hands that were frozen in mid-air, tucked the hair on his forehead behind his ears to hide his embarrassment, and said, "Master Xue, why are you so anxious, we can sit down and talk slowly."

She poured the wine from the jug into the cup, and the aroma of the wine overflowed.

"Fulai Restaurant's Peach Blossom Brew and Boiled Chicken are signature dishes. Since Mr. Xue is here, you might as well try it, otherwise it would be a pity."

Xue Fei is not an impatient person, but that doesn't mean he can allow others to waste his time.He took a look at Shang Zhenzhen, "I'm not hungry, I have something to talk about, I'm very busy. Miss Shang, what do you want? Do you think I have a good temper? Or are you here to challenge me today?"

Hungry and want to go back to eat.

His palm rested on the pistol, his eyes darkened slightly.

Shang Zhenzhen held the hem of the skirt with her hands, and her red lips parted slightly: "I want you, will you give it? If you are with me, I will give it back to her!"

Xue Fei felt that he heard a joke. "Do you know what you're talking about?"

If he didn't come to Fulai Restaurant today, he wouldn't even remember what Shang Zhenzhen looked like.Xue Fei really didn't know how he provoked this daughter of the Shang family!

"I know." Shang Zhenzhen's fiery eyes fell on Xue Fei's face. "If you and I are together, the marriage contract of Xue Shang's family is still fulfilled."

"What does the marriage contract of the eldest son and eldest daughter have to do with me, Xue Fei?"

"I can give you what Lian Qiao can't!"

"for example?"

"for example……"

Shang Zhen was stunned for a moment, before Xue Fei raised the gun and pointed it at her. "It's to save face by asking you what you want. I'm a bandit, and there's nothing I want that I can't get. Besides, Lian Qiao didn't bring anything with her when she left Shang's house. What face do you have for her things?" Come down? Say it again, give me something."

Shang Zhenzhen pointed at the box in the corner of the box, Xue Fei glanced at her before turning around to get the box.

"Xue Fei, I really like you." As he said that, Shang Zhenzhen suddenly rushed up to hug Xue Fei from behind.

Xue Fei frowned and turned around, and shot her right leg.

After the gunshot, Shang Zhenzhen fell to the ground.

Severe pain spread from the wound, and Shang Zhenzhen burst into tears.

Xue Fei bent down to pick up the box on the ground with a calm expression, and said calmly when the way was still true: "I don't like you."

Does he seem like a man who could be kidnapped by love?Can he hold a gun?

"This time it's just the right leg, and next time it will be the heart. Shang Zhenzhen, I can do it myself."

When Xue Fei walked out of the box, he opened the box and took a look. After confirming that it contained a set of clothes and a bracelet, he left Fulai Restaurant.


When we went back, it suddenly rained heavily.

He took off his coat and put it on the box, walked to the nearest alley and returned to the house.

Lian Qiao didn't know where Xue Fei had gone, so even if she wanted to deliver an umbrella when it was raining heavily, she didn't know where to go.

When Xue Fei came back, his clothes were soaked through.The wet black vest was worn close to the body, and his abdominal muscles could be vaguely seen.

Lian Qiao put a large towel over his shoulders, "Go take a bath, hot water is ready."

Xue Fei hummed, "Don't worry, this box contains your things. The clothes I wore when I was three years old, and a bracelet. I was still worried about staying in the Shang family, so I brought them back."

Lian Qiao never knew that these things existed. Just as she was about to speak, she faintly smelled the perfume on Xue Fei's body.

(End of this chapter)

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