Chapter 447 The bandit leader is surnamed Xue (33)

These days, Lian Qiao has been learning from Boss Wang, and her sense of smell has become particularly keen.

Lian Qiao got closer, making sure that she heard the right thing.Although it was washed away by the heavy rain, there was still a trace left.

Xue Fei guessed what was going on when Lian Qiao approached him.He picked up the wet clothes in front of him and smelled it, puzzled: "Can you smell it too?"

Is this... a bit too exaggerated?
Lian Qiao nodded, eyes rolling: "You can really smell it, have you been in contact with other women?"

This scent... seems a little familiar.

Xue Fei wiped her hair with a towel, "It's nothing, I just got the box back from Shang Zhenzhen, don't think about it, I'm not that kind of person."

So hungry.

But you have to take a shower first.

Lian Qiao looked at his serious expression and couldn't help laughing. "There is stewed chicken soup in the kitchen, do you want to drink some before going to take a bath?"

Xue Fei nodded.


When Xue Fei went to the kitchen, Lian Qiao brought a new set of pajamas.

He took a quick shower and came out in his new navy blue men's pajamas.

While eating, the old lady looked displeased. "Xiao Fei, you have to leave again tomorrow? Do you know that you are married? How can a man let his wife stay alone in an empty room? It's really disappointing."

She had heard from Zhang Cheng that Xue Fei hadn't come to Lian Qiao's place for half a month, and after returning for less than two days, she was going to leave for a while!
"Xue Fei, is it plausible!" The old lady became annoyed as she spoke, and slammed the table.

Xue Fei originally thought that the old lady would nag Lianqiao when she came over, but she was afraid that Lianqiao would not be used to it.Now he understood that it was always him who was being nagged.

He said helplessly, "I won't leave after returning from other places this time, okay?"

He was out on business, not out to eat, drink and have fun.

The old lady snorted and said nothing more.

After eating, Lian Qiao went back to her room early to prepare for the reopening of Xiangmanlu in half a month.When it was time to go to bed, Xue Fei just wanted to go back to his room to sleep, but was stunned by the old lady's stare.

"where to?"

Xue Fei: "..."

"Aren't you still sleeping in separate rooms? If so, I have reason to suspect that you haven't been liked by Qiao Qiao. Why, you want to fool me, an old woman, before you have accomplished your achievements?"

Xue Fei: "..."

"Xiao Fei, in order to be with you, she has given her pretty reputation. You don't cherish her such a good woman. If you tell me that the marriage has not been consummated, tsk, what a disgrace."

Xue Fei: "..."

Don't say it, don't say it, he has already begun to feel so pitiful.

Xue Fei walked into Lian Qiao's room under the contemptuous gaze of the old lady, but he didn't dare to knock on the door, or else he just didn't tell himself, which meant that the two of them were too unfamiliar.

Lian Qiao turned her head when she heard the movement, saw that it was Xue Fei, and after a little thought, she understood what was going on. "Is grandma still asleep?"

"No, just watch outside."

"Go to bed first, I still have a while."

Xue Fei: "..."

Xue Fei wanted to say that he would wait for a while and return to his room after the old lady went back to bed.Whoever thought that before he had time to speak, he heard the movement at the door.

The old lady locked the door.

After the old lady wandered back to the house with the key, she jokingly said, "You think I'm stupid? I figured out with my toes that you couldn't possibly marry a wife so easily."

The old lady guessed that Xue Fei just picked a woman to fool her, so she went down the mountain this time to see what kind of girl she was.

(End of this chapter)

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