Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 476 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 476 Open the door and collect the rent (11)

Lian Qiao wanted to laugh, it turned out that Kan Bingyu had met Chen Xi a long time ago. "Speaking of which, Chen Xi and the three of you sisters are really predestined. You have met him. He confessed to Kan Bingyun, and Kan Leilei scolded him for being overconfident. Anyway, I will leave my words here today. , he is my target, be careful not to step on Leiha."

Kan Bingyu froze for a moment, "Are you serious?"

Lian Qiao nodded.

Kan Bingyu originally wanted to tease Lian Qiao, but she, who has always been indifferent to others, would admit it directly.

"Forget about my two cheap younger sisters." Kan Bingyu thought for a while and said, "I'll do the math for you. If you are in the third year of high school this year, if he is in the same grade as my sister, you will be in the third year of junior high school. You will go to college next year. Maybe we need to go to another place. Who knows what kind of moths will appear when we are in another place?"

Kan Bingyu is lazy by nature, she would not touch such a troublesome matter.

Lian Qiao understood what Kan Bingyu meant, and said: "Let's talk about the future, anyway, there is still nearly a year."

If Chen Xi can't be taken down in a year, Lian Qiao feels that she can take unconventional means.

"All right, you decide for yourself. Don't worry about my sister Kan Bingyun, she's always been in love, and she's been hanging on Shao Qian's tree since she was young. Don't worry about Kan Leilei, she's just a knife-mouthed tofu Heart, carelessly.

If Kan Leilei's words were harsh, she probably didn't want Chen Xi to get involved between Kan Bingyun and Shao Qian.After all, the risk is too great, long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain.And she wasn't just targeting Chen Xi, she just scolded the boy in the first year of high school to tears yesterday.Tsk, I don't even want to admit that I am her own sister with that shrew's scolding appearance. "

At this moment, every cell in Kan Bingyu is expressing its dislike for the two younger sisters.

The two of them didn't talk for long before the class bell rang.

Kan Bingyu arranged the books, then lay down and went to sleep, practicing her motto: life lies in stillness.And given the Kan family's situation, the teacher wouldn't say much.

After the two chatted between classes, they returned to the previous state of closing the microphone together.

The high school of Yungang No. [-] Middle School has evening self-study, but the original owner and Kan Bingyu have never attended evening self-study.The original owner's reason for being the number one in the grade is unshakable, even if she doesn't go to evening self-study school, she won't say much.On the other hand, Kan Bingyu simply found it troublesome, so he skipped evening self-study since the first year of high school.

At 05:30 in the afternoon, the two who did not go to evening self-study walked out of the classroom under the normal eyes of other students.

Not far from the door of the classroom, Chen Xi had already been waiting there, Kan Bingyu raised his eyebrows, and then went downstairs from the other side of the stairs.

The alley where Chen Xi lived was far away from Yungang No. [-] Middle School, and the two of them took a bus for nearly two hours before arriving at their destination.

In the blink of an eye, it was already 07:30, and Chen Xi became more and more panicked: "Sister, it's getting dark..."

How could she go back after dark?

Chen Xi felt something was wrong before, but now he finally understands where the problem lies.

Lian Qiao naturally knew it was getting dark, but that's what she wanted.After all, you and I are not meant to be, it all depends on my routine.

"It's okay, just open the door first."

After Chen Xi took out the key to open the door, he felt the switch on the wall.Press the switch with a click, and the next second, the lights in the room are on.Lian Qiao saw that although the place was relatively small, it was obviously clean, and it was many times better than the last time it was seen.

On the cabinet not far from the bed was the umbrella she dropped that day.

Next to the umbrella was a leaflet for Sunny Entertainment recruiting trainees.


 Chapter 4 today~
  good night~
(End of this chapter)

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