Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 477 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 477 Open the door and collect the rent (12)

Lian Qiao picked up the leaflet and glanced at it, Chen Xi's expression obviously became a little unnatural.

"Are you going to be a trainee? Although Sunny Entertainment is a big company, the water is very deep, the contract is strict, and the termination fee is also frighteningly high. Do you understand?"

Chen Xi understood what Lian Qiao said, and he didn't want to be popular when he considered Sunny Entertainment.The staff of Sunny Entertainment said that food, lodging and salary are included, so Chen Xi was a little tempted.

He can no longer afford high school tuition, living expenses and rent, because he is still underage, and the owner of the restaurant dare not hire him for a long time.

Chen Xi didn't speak, Lian Qiao said again: "Then if you become a trainee, what about your studies? The only way to become a trainee is to enter the entertainment industry, but if you continue your studies, you will have many choices after you are admitted to university .Your grades are so good, if you are not that interested in the entertainment industry, I suggest you reconsider."

Chen Xi pursed his lips, his eyes darkened: "Sister, I have no other choice."

"Yes." Lian Qiao looked into his eyes, "Come to Tianxing Entertainment to be my entertainer, I will not give you a very strict time limit, as long as you complete the tasks I give you, you can continue your studies. "

Chen Xi was stunned and didn't react for a long time.

System: [Look, it scares the child. ]
"Tian, ​​Tianxing Entertainment?"

Lian Qiao nodded: "It's not particularly famous, because it's just a subsidiary that isn't very popular. But I'm working as an agent there now, so I can look forward to it in the future."

With that said, Lian Qiao took out a contract from her bag. "You're lucky. I just printed out a contract and put it in my schoolbag two days ago. You can read the specific terms. It should be much friendlier than the contract of Sunny Entertainment."

At this moment, Chen Xi's eyes showed surprise and suspicion.

Lian Qiao spread her hands innocently: "No way, you don't think I'm tricking you, do you? I'm a rent-collecting woman who works full-time as a broker and is about to become a top student in Yungang City. I've only known you for less than a week. I need a routine for you, a junior high school student with no hair at all?
Good-looking little boys abound, you just got lucky and just caught up, you know? "

Lian Qiao pinched her waist, and there seemed to be a few words written on her face: Xiao Mian, why don't you thank the Lord for your kindness?

Chen Xi opened the contract and found that the contract was only two thin sheets of paper. Compared with Qingtian Entertainment's thick stack of contracts, it could be said to be sloppy and capricious, and even full of irregularities.

Chen Xi even doubted whether this contract was really legally binding.

Party A is the manager Pei Lianqiao, and Party B did not fill in.

The terms of the contract are very simple, Party B must obey Party A's work arrangement unconditionally, and the term is 15 years.If you quit halfway, you need to pay 1000 million yuan in compensation.

This is to restrict artists with huge liquidated damages.

Party B's commercial income during the contract period and Party A's sharing ratio is 3:7.

This is the overlord clause.

In addition, Party B should try not to fall in love during the contract period, and must report if it falls in love.Party B can continue to study during the contract period, and the tuition and living expenses can be paid in advance by Party A, which will be deducted from Party B's commercial income later.

The contract was not long, and Chen Xi quickly finished reading it.

To be honest, he doubted Lian Qiao's intentions, but couldn't find any evidence.After all, this contract is simply too loose, and Lian Qiao has no motive to cheat him at all.

Lian Qiao rested her chin on her hands, "Sign after you think about it? You are not my only choice, you only have one chance."

To be honest, signing the contract with Chen Xi was quite troublesome. After all, his situation is special, and the guardian may be the civil affairs department or the neighborhood committee, so Lian Qiao estimated that he would have to go to the relevant department.

But in fact... the important thing is the contract?


(End of this chapter)

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