Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 478 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 478 Open the door and collect the rent (13)

In fact, Chen Xi had talked with Qingtian Entertainment, and tomorrow is the deadline.Sunny Entertainment is a big company, and its attitude is much tougher than Lian Qiao.Rather than signing the contract there tomorrow, it is obvious that the contract in hand is more attractive.

The moment Chen Xi nodded, Lian Qiao smiled slightly: "Okay, then let's make it so. You can directly reject Sunny Entertainment, and I will take care of the contract. Don't worry."

Lian Qiao put the umbrella in her schoolbag, it was already dark outside, there were no street lights in the alley, only the light from the square windows of other people's houses.

The moment Lian Qiao was about to leave, Chen Xi finally said, "Sister, it's too late, I'll take you home."

Walking out of this alley and taking another two-hour bus ride, Chen Xi was really worried.

Lian Qiao looked back at him, "Yes, where can I send it? Send me out of the alley, or send me home?"

Chen Xi hesitated, "Send it to your house?"

"Okay, then I'll send you back?"

Chen Xi: "..."

Lian Qiao glanced at the time, it was indeed getting late. "How about this, you take your pajamas and stay with me for one night. Anyway, you are about to become an artist under me, and it's not suitable to live here. I'll give you 2 minutes to think about it."

Chen Xi hesitated for a while, Lian Qiao helplessly spread her hands: "No way, no way, you don't think I have plans for you, do you?"

Chen Xi: "..."

On the way back, Lian Qiao hailed a car.Until the moment the driver stepped on the accelerator, Chen Xi felt that something was wrong.

How did she become Tianxing Entertainment and follow Lian Qiao away? ?
Here Chen Xi was thinking wildly, while Lian Qiao closed her eyes and fell asleep.

There were fewer vehicles on the road at night, and the road was unimpeded. The driver took the two of them to their destination in just over half an hour.

Lian Qiao opened the door with the key, turned on the light, and saw the warm and elegant decoration style.

Standing at the door, Chen Xi belatedly asked, "Does senior live alone?"

He should have asked before getting in the car, but Lian Qiao's smooth operation, Tianxing Entertainment and contract signing, made Chen Xi almost forget that she was actually only a third-year student in high school.

Chen Xi quietly changed his words while speaking, he was not used to being called elder sister, so he changed to the unmistakable title of senior sister.

Lian Qiao hummed, "Come in, do your homework early, take a shower and go to bed early."

As he spoke, he took out a pair of men's disposable slippers from the cabinet and handed them to him.

Chen Xi: "..."

At this time, Lian Qiao looked at him suspiciously, "You don't think I prepared slippers specially for you, do you? Brother has his own slippers."

For the first time, Lian Qiao felt that her credibility with the male supporting role was a bit low.

Fortunately, Chen Xi didn't struggle for long, he changed his shoes honestly, and put the things into the guest room under Lian Qiao's guidance.

No one has lived in the room, and the furniture is very simple.Except for a bed, there are only small bedside tables and a wardrobe on the wall.

Although the amount of homework in the third year of junior high school is not as high as that of the third year of high school, after all, facing the entrance to higher education, one cannot relax at all times.Originally, Chen Xi wanted to take the senior high school entrance examination as the end of his studies, and he wanted to work hard to draw a successful conclusion.Who would have imagined that there will be no way out after mountains and rivers are full of doubts, and there will be another village with dark willows and flowers.

So no matter what Lian Qiao's motivation is, Chen Xi at this moment regards her as his benefactor.


(End of this chapter)

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