Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 479 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 479 Open the door and collect the rent (14)

There was no table in the guest room, so after making the bed, Chen Xi went to the living room with his schoolbag to look for Lian Qiao.

At that time, Lian Qiao was focusing on something with her mobile phone, Chen Xi hesitated, and said, "Senior sister, can I do my homework here?"

There is only one coffee table in the living room, and Lian Qiao is sitting cross-legged on the sofa beside the coffee table.

"Okay, you can sit wherever you want."

After Chen Xi sat down, he took out some test papers that he was going to write today from his schoolbag.

Not long after, the doorbell rang.Lian Qiao went to pick up the takeaway in her slippers, and said, "Let's eat, are you hungry at this late hour?"

From school at 05:30, to the alley, and back to the apartment, Lian Qiao felt hungry, and Chen Xi calmly wrote homework for a while.

Lian Qiao ordered two servings of sauerkraut sliced ​​meat, and specially ordered an extra serving of rice for fear that Chen Xi would not be full.

Chen Xi looked at the steaming food in front of him, his eyes darkened: "Sister, why are you being so nice to me?"

Obviously they have only known each other for more than a week, they are obviously not relatives, and everyone looks down on him, thinking that he is lowly and avoiding him like a snake.

In the past, when Kan Bingyun gave him a candy, Chen Xi thought it was hard-won warmth.Kan Bingyun didn't discriminate against him, but Lian Qiao... wanted to pull him out of the quagmire.

She is saving him.

Slightly lowering his eyes, Chen Xi said again: "Senior sister, I can do anything, I can endure any hardship, as long as it can bring benefits to the company, I can take any job!"

Chen Xi knows that being a trainee needs to learn dancing, singing, manners, and many things day and night, but he is not afraid of hardship at all.

He will study hard, and he will definitely not disappoint his senior sister!

Lian Qiao nodded solemnly, unpacked the disposable chopsticks, and put a piece of meat in her mouth.

Although the sauerkraut fish is also delicious, but sometimes Lian Qiao is too lazy to criticize, so she will also order sauerkraut sliced ​​meat.Lian Qiao took a sip and found that the taste of this restaurant is really good.

"Let's eat first, and we'll talk about work later. After I settle the contract in these two days, I'll arrange a teacher to teach you a class. Not surprisingly, it will be from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] every night, all day on Saturday and weekend. Details You wait for my notification."

Lian Qiao remembered that in the original plot, when Chen Xi was a trainee in Sunny Entertainment, he was always the one with top grades, so she didn't worry about accidents in this life.Besides, Tianxing Entertainment is under the Pei family. With the resources of a company and all the money of the system, can't she still make Chen Xi popular?
When eating sauerkraut sliced ​​meat, the smooth and tender meat slices are soaked in the taste of sauerkraut, refreshing and chewy.Chen Xi sat obediently at the dining table, Lian Qiao suddenly softened her heart.

Actually...he was just a 15-year-old boy.

Other children may be in the rebellious period at the age of 15, or they may still be the little princess and prince loved by their parents, but he has to face all the bad words alone and think about how to survive every day.

Lian Qiao sighed softly, "The contract is for 15 years, and you will follow me from now on. If I have a bite to eat, you will never be hungry."

Chen Xi looked at Lian Qiao, his eyes flickered slightly: "Thank you sister."

This time it's not a senior sister, but a more intimate older sister.

He seemed to understand that in a person's life, it is really possible to meet a noble person...

After eating, Chen Xi took the initiative to pack the lunch box, and then obediently went to the coffee table to do homework.

Seeing him working so hard, Lian Qiao suddenly thought that she was also a senior in high school.

But to be honest, this is not the first time she is preparing for the college entrance examination.The so-called once raw and cooked twice, and cooked casually three times and fourth times, Lian Qiao said that it would be no problem to get a champion in the city.


(End of this chapter)

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