Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 485 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 485 Open the door and collect the rent (20)

Chen Xi took the box containing the mobile phone, feeling complicated.

It was dark and the night was deep.The light at the entrance of the company allowed Chen Xi to see Lian Qiao's pretty face clearly at the moment. He first looked into her eyes, then moved away unnaturally, and finally fell on Lian Qiao's face again.

"Sister, can you give me a hug?"

The number of times Chen Xi showed weakness to others can be counted on the fingers.

One time was to admit that he was not good enough for Kan Bingyun, and the other time was now.

The former can be regarded as recognizing the reality, while the latter wants to get close to her.It seems that only when you see her can you feel at ease. If you can't see her, you always feel that you can't see the way to go or the way back.

Lian Qiao froze for a moment, stepped forward and reached out to hug him. "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Chen Xi lowered his eyes, then stretched out his arms to hug Lian Qiao.

It turns out that hugging... can really bring comfort.Give people courage and give people warmth.

After a long time, Chen Xi let go of Lian Qiao, and finally smiled: "Sister, thank you."

The boy's gloom is distressing, but the boy's smile is even more healing.

Lian Qiao smiled: "Go."

Chen Xi can finally shine in the dark.


After seeing Lian Qiao off, Chen Xi just turned around and walked into the company when he was blocked by several trainees in the elevator.

Zhang Mo Xixi poked Chen Xi's chest with his finger: "We have all seen it, what is your relationship with Sister Pei?"

Zhang Mo squeezed Chen Xi to the corner of the elevator, showing his little tiger teeth: "Well, what's the matter? You all hugged, have you ever had a boo, have you?"

Several big boys looked gossip, Chen Xi suddenly blushed. "No, don't talk nonsense."

Zhang Mo lightly poked Chen Xi's face with his finger. "Little Chen Xi, why are you blushing? Tell me quickly, otherwise Brother Xie Ting will not be able to speak when Brother Xie Ting comes. Say it quickly!"

Chen Xi was actually a little taller than Zhang Mo, so he pushed Zhang Mo away a little, "It's okay, don't talk nonsense!"

"It doesn't matter why Miss Pei is so nice to you?" The person next to him just asked, when the elevator door opened with a ding.

Xie Ting stood at the door of the elevator, his eyes swept over everyone, and finally fell on Chen Xi. "It's time for class, I'll take you to the dance studio."

"it is good."

After Chen Xi was called away, Zhang Mo made a face at Xie Ting's back. "Slightly slightly slightly, I will sleep with Xiao Chen tonight, and one day I will ask."

Hee hee hee.


In the next few days, Xie Ting moved to a new apartment with several other trainees.In order to better monitor their work and rest habits, Wang Hong also moved there.

Lian Qiao thought it would take some time for Chen Xi to adapt to the current life, but he did not expect him to be very adaptable, humble and hard-working, even Xie Ting admired him after a few days of getting along.

On Friday evening, Lian Qiao, who hadn't come to the apartment for several days, finally saw Chen Xi.

In the remodeled dance studio, the teenagers were sweating profusely.Xie Ting's movements were crisp and neat as always, and Chen Xi made rapid progress.

Lian Qiao put on makeup today, her red lips are slightly hooked and full of aura.

She clapped her hands, motioning for everyone to stop. "I have class tomorrow, and I have something to do the day after tomorrow, so I can only take you to take promotional photos tonight. Work hard, everyone, take a shower and change clothes, and I will wait for you downstairs in half an hour."

No one would not listen to Lian Qiao's words, and within half an hour, everyone appeared downstairs in unison.

Wang Hong knew about tonight's itinerary, so he arranged a bus in advance.

Lian Qiao sat in the car and teased Zhang Mo casually: "Xiao Zhang, who do you think is the most handsome among you?"


(End of this chapter)

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