Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 486 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 486 Open the door and collect the rent (21)

Zhang Mo was speechless, and Sun Zherui laughed gloatingly.

Lian Qiao glanced at him, "Isn't it Sun Zerui, then tell me."

Sun Zerui: "..."

He thought Lian Qiao wouldn't call him if she didn't remember his name.


Lian Qiao took them to the largest shooting base in Yungang, and booked the best photographer and makeup artist.

"Miss Pei, according to your request, we have prepared two series of clothing. One series for Dark Knight and one series for Holiday Warm Sun."

Lian Qiao nodded, "Let's take pictures of the holiday warm sun today, and it's easier to grasp the casual style."


About 5 minutes later, Zhang Mo came out with a sad face. "Sister Pei, why do I have a green hat..."

Before Lian Qiao had time to speak, Zhang Mo saw Sun Zherui wearing a floral shirt and sunglasses, looking like he was on vacation by the sea.Xie Ting wore a sleeveless white top with ripped jeans.Looking at the muscles on Xie Ting's arm, Zhang Mo felt sour with his real name.

The seaside vacation style is fine, and the sports style is also fine, why does he have a green hat!
Lian smiled and put the hat on Zhang Mo's head, "It really fits your temperament, really."

In order to prevent Zhang Mojin from shrinking back, Lian Qiao arranged for a makeup artist to put on makeup immediately, and then let the photographer be the first to shoot for him.

A dark green light suit and a very textured green top hat.

Lian Qiao was able to see Zhang Mo's photo on the computer for the first time. The background is sunlight passing through the gaps in the forest. Zhang Mo's shape is unified with the background and gives people a strong visual impact.

After Zhang Mo finished taking pictures, he trotted to the computer and complained ruthlessly after seeing the photos: "Good guy, I'm so green!"

Lian Qiao felt that the effect was not bad, and asked the cameraman to take pictures of other people one after another.

At this time, Chen Xi quietly asked her: "Sister, is my dress too simple?"

A white T-shirt with a striped shirt and a simple fisherman hat.

He was afraid that the clothes would be too simple and everyday, and the effect of the shooting would not satisfy Lian Qiao.

Lian Qiao smiled slightly, "No, you just sit comfortably on the sofa, hug a dog, and then adjust the light and shadow to be softer in the later stage, it will be very beautiful."


"Of course, what did I lie to you for?"

Chen Xi was still a little worried, until the photo was taken, Zhang Mo was sour: "Sister Pei, you are too biased, Xiao Chen Xi has a strong sense of family style, a clean and handsome boy sitting on the sofa, I would Want to pounce on it, okay! Look at mine again, a person who walked out of the forest, green from head to toe! How can there be a sense of substitution, substituting in and swinging with me in the forest by pulling vines! "

Lian Qiao smiled slightly, "Okay, don't complain, pack up your things and go back, it's too late today."

Zhang Mo hummed twice, hooked Chen Xi's neck and left.

On the way back to the apartment by the bus, Lian Qiao registered an account on Weibo, and her nickname was Pei Lianqiao from Tianxing Entertainment.

The nine photos fit together into a nine-square grid.

Lian Qiao's copywriting only used one sentence: Our story begins here.

After posting Weibo, Lian Qiao sent another voice message to Pei Shen: [Brother, I just registered a Weibo account, nicknamed Tianxing Entertainment Pei Lianqiao, please forward my post~]

Lian Qiao thought that Pei Shen was still busy, and it would take a while to see the message.After waiting for less than a minute, it was shown on Weibo that Pei Shen had followed her Weibo.

Then, Lian Qiao felt that her Weibo exploded.


(End of this chapter)

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