Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 493 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 493 Open the door and collect the rent (28)

Zhang Mo was suddenly praised, and little stars flashed in his eyes!

After Lian Qiao accompanied Chen Xi to perform this segment, she returned to the side to continue watching the recording.The following process has nothing to do with Chen Xi. The host chatted with Zhou Lin about black tea, and then asked Zhou Lin about black tea.After that, it will be sublimated and summarized, and the recording will end here.

Two weeks later, when the latest episode of "Let's Come to the World to Take a Look" was broadcast, netizens started complaining as usual.

[Director, why are you so fast every time? ]

[There is no evidence for the suspected car upstairs. (funny)]
[The duration of the program is really too short, dare to make it shorter! ]
Official reply: [Dare. (curling lips)]
Netizen: […]
Don't talk, don't talk, besides, there will be no Liao Yingying in the next episode.

Every time "Let me come to the world to take a look" is broadcast, countless diehard fans of Zhoulin don't look at who the guests are, and immediately complain about the short duration of the show.But this time, because the official has already released a few shots of Lian Qiao and Chen Xi in the trailer, many fans of Chen Xi and netizens who are curious about Lian Qiao launched barrages one after another.

[Successful airborne!I finally know what my sister looks like!My sister looks so good! ]
[Ahhh, when Chen Xi called my sister, my heart melted!This is green tea, this is my sweetheart, hahaha! ]
[No way, no way, I’m the only one who thinks I’ve hit the candy! ]

[Hahahaha Zhang Mo powder randomly enters!Don't come here, I don't have a sister like you!Don't beat me!so funny! ]
[This story tells us that as long as the green tea is handsome, the three views follow the five senses.But as long as we are honest enough, my mother really only gave birth to me! ]

After the show was broadcast, the topics of Chen Xi and Zhang Mo far surpassed the two female guests in the same period, and even the broadcast volume of this episode directly broke the highest record of the season.

Also because of Lian Qiao's appearance, Jin Man and Qian Xia breathed a sigh of relief.In fact, the two of them were already prepared to be scolded for the show on this topic, either scolded as green tea, or rumored to be a gossip.

As a result, not only did the things he was worried about not happen, Qianxia's "I'm sorry, brother" was made into an emoji package and forwarded wildly. Teacher Zhou Lin cooperated again.


From the Jiugongge photos, the official announcement as an artist of Tianxing Entertainment, to the broadcast of this issue of "Let's Come to the World to Take a Look", the popularity of Chen Xi and Zhang Mo has continued to rise, which also makes the masses of people who eat melons look forward to it even more The development of other artists of Tianxing Entertainment.

Although the "True Color Youth" talent show has not yet started, compared to other amateurs, Xie Ting and others have already won at the starting line.

"It's half a month before Xie Ting's show will start. You two don't need to worry about anything. It's time to practice singing and dancing. Although the entertainment circle looks very bright and beautiful, there are ups and downs , In the end, you still have to speak with your strength. The works that can be produced are your greatest confidence."

After Lian Qiao told the two of them, she sighed softly: "I'm going to take the exam, and Yungang City is the same."

Some people appear to be managers who gather nine trainees, but they actually have to take mock exams behind their backs.

Chen Xi had long heard that Pei Lianqiao in high school was good at studying, but after getting to know Lianqiao, he almost... To be precise, he had never seen her study.

"My sister must be fine." Chen Xi smiled.I don't know why, but he has great confidence in Lian Qiao.


(End of this chapter)

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