Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 494 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 494 Open the door and collect the rent (29)

After all, Chen Xi has been in Tianxing Entertainment for a while.Now that the weather is getting cooler, everything is on track.

Lian Qiao put on a coat before leaving, and Chen Xi sent her downstairs to the apartment, while Zhang Mo stood on the stairs and looked down furtively.

When Lian Qiao looked up, she caught him squarely.

Zhang Mo's legs went limp, and he slipped on the ground with his hands and feet.

Chen Xi also saw Zhang Mo, knowing that Zhang Mo had always wanted to know the relationship between him and Lian Qiao.

But... what's the relationship now?Isn't it the relationship between the agent and the artist?

When Chen Xi's thoughts were racing, Lian Qiao warned: "I'm going back. I'll be busy recently, and I may seldom come here. If you have anything to do, you can ask Mr. Wang, or you can call me."

It's December, and it's going to be winter in a blink of an eye.Fortunately, the winter in Yungang is not cold, so until now Lian Qiao has only added a coat outside.

"By the way, all the clothes I bought for you have arrived, and Xie Ting and the others have also sent them to the program team. We have prepared gifts for each of you on Christmas and New Year's Day, remember to check them."

From the moment Lian Qiao took over Tianxing Entertainment, the fate of her and the nine boys was officially bound together.She has a way out, but the nine boys don't, so Lian Qiao can only take care of the nine as much as possible.Although it is a bit difficult now, the future is very bright.

Think about it, there are only nine artists in the company, and each of them is top-notch.Tsk, I feel so happy just thinking about it.

Hearing Lian Qiao's words, Chen Xi's eyes darkened slightly: "This year is the first Christmas and the first New Year's Day after we met. Brother Xie Ting and the others can't come out in the program group. Mr. Wang must go home to accompany his wife and children. My sister must be going home too, so it's just me and Zhang Mo?"

Chen Xi likes Tianxing Entertainment very much, and everyone here.And the one I like the most is the sister who defends Huzi in front of him, the sister who brought him into Tianxing Entertainment, and the sister who accompanied him on the show.

Apart from Lian Qiao, Chen Xi will not call anyone sister anymore.

His sister is unique in his heart.

The end of November and the beginning of December, if calculated according to the Gregorian calendar, the year is almost over.At the end of the year, I always want to get together with my family when thousands of families are reunited.

Lian Qiao chuckled, "My brother and I have discussed it. Christmas and New Year's Day are inconvenient. On New Year's Eve, I can come to the apartment to celebrate New Year's Eve with you."

"Huh? Boss Pei?" It was quite sudden.

"Yes, my brother." Lian Qiao suddenly felt a little emotional, "I will take the college entrance examination in June next year, and you will also take the high school entrance examination at that time. Work hard, I still hope you can pass the high school entrance examination."

Lian Qiao doesn't believe that reading is useless.Maybe there are more people going to university now, and more and more people with a bachelor's degree, and the employment pressure is gradually increasing every year.But to take a step back, education does not represent ability, but it is a stepping stone for future work.

Reading may not determine your destiny, but to a certain extent, it broadens your horizons and renews your circle of contacts.When I was in elementary school, I met many elementary school classmates.In junior high school, there will be high school classmates, and in college, there will be college classmates.In the future, I will have more classmates and friends when I study for a master's degree or a Ph.D.

Lian Qiao hopes that Chen Xi can continue to study and have more choices.

The harder, the more fortunate.The harder you work, the more free you become.

Chen Xi nodded, "Don't worry, sister, I haven't missed my homework."

"So nice."

Lian Qiao's smile was engraved in Chen Xi's heart.The roots of his ears were slightly red. In this not too cold winter, Chen Xi suddenly understood something.


(End of this chapter)

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