Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 502 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 502 Open the door and collect the rent (37)

Kan Bingyu turned and went into the living room, and Pei Xianxian also walked in.

The two sat face to face around the table. Kan Bingyu opened the lunch box and found that the dishes were very delicate and expensive.

Kan Bingyu took a bite of the rice, it was soft and delicious, and it was so fragrant!
Pei Xianxian wasn't hungry at first, but when he saw Kan Bingyu eating several crystal shrimp dumplings in a row, he instantly felt hungry.

Sensing a hot gaze staring at her lunch box, Kan Bingyu glanced at her, and silently protected her lunch box: "You can't share food, and neither can men!"

"Who wants to share with you!" Pei Xianxian became annoyed, "At any rate, I even sent you a meal! Who do you look down on?"

"Miss Pei Xianxian, just now you said to yourself how could Mr. Pei get someone to deliver the food to me, that means someone else delivered the food to me, not you. Who told you to come and deliver the food to me when you are free?"

Kan Bingyu basically figured out Pei Xianxian's temperament, and wanted to get Pei Shen, but unfortunately he didn't have the ability.At most, they will fight with each other, and dare not do other outrageous things.

"I have a question for you. Since you suspect that I am the woman who seduced Mr. Pei, you didn't order anything with the meal, did you? You didn't just come here to see who I am, did you?"

Kan Bingyu reckoned that this girl would be the only one who would foolishly deliver the meal, but she still didn't find out who she was.

"Otherwise." Pei Xianxian was taken aback, and said contemptuously, "Poisoning people to death is against the law!"

Kan Bingyu pursed his lips, "Then don't mess with me, if you do, I'm capable of anything."

Although these words were mostly meant to scare Pei Xianxian, but before coming to Bohai, Kan Bingyu really thought about dying with that old man.Even if she sits in prison, she can't just watch Kan Bingyun being pushed into the fire pit.

What worries Kan Bingyu is that after solving an old man, what if another one comes?When she is in prison, who else can protect the two younger sisters?Her mother devoted her whole life to intrigue with Xiaosan, and she was immediately discouraged when encountering other things.Kan Dongcheng was even more hopeless.I knew he was a scumbag, but I didn't expect him to be such an asshole!
Kan Bingyu sighed, luckily Pei Shen has already borrowed the money...

"You look so beautiful, but your heart is so dark." Pei Xianxian put his hands on his chin, thought of something, and said, "Didn't you just ask me how to deal with the woman next to my brother? The question is which round will I get?" I'll get it done?

The elder brother only has his own sister, Pei Lianqiao, in his eyes, and he takes care of other women directly by himself.If my surname was not Pei and my grandma was protecting me, I would have been driven away 800 years ago. "

Kan Bingyu believed Pei Xianxian's words, after all, Pei Shen was rarely rumored.

"Then you know President Pei doesn't like you, why do you still hang around him? Your surname is Pei, isn't it easy to find a man?"

Pei Xianxian: "But I'm just the adopted daughter of the Pei family. Grandma only wants me to marry my brother."

"Then do you like President Pei?"

Pei Xianxian: "I don't know, anyway, I haven't met a better man than him."

Kan Bingyu took a bite of the food and sighed softly: "Men are disasters, especially handsome men with rich private lives and clean lives."

"Right, you said that if it were you, would you be willing to give up? Although I don't have a chance now, other women don't even have a chance." For some reason, Pei Xianxian liked to chat with Kan Bingyu.

"Be willing, why not. Pei is always good, but it's not like there are no other equally good men. What's more, when you fall in love, you don't have to find the best one, you have to like it, and you have to be suitable. Take Qiaoqiao In other words, Pei has always loved her since she was a child, and with such a good brother around her, her pretty eyes must be very high."


(End of this chapter)

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