Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 503 Open the door and collect the rent

Chapter 503 Open the door and collect the rent (38)

"Yes, I also think that girl must use her brother as a template to find a boyfriend, and she will definitely not be able to find one!"

Kan Bingyu hehe: "Nonsense, my Qiaoqiao already has a goal."


While Pei Xianxian was shocked, Pei Shen who had just entered was also stunned for a moment.

After Pei Shen and Kan Bingyu met each other's eyes, Kan Bingyu felt a chill rushing through his whole body.

When Pei Xianxian saw Pei Shen, he blinked and whispered, "Hey, did you step on a thunder?"

Kan Bingyu gritted his teeth and whispered, "Why didn't you close the door just now?"

"I'll go first, I wish you good luck." After speaking, Pei Xianxian rushed out of the apartment with her bag in hand.When passing by Pei Shen's side, he whispered goodbye, brother.

When Pei Shen walked towards her step by step, Kan Bingyu had never felt so cowardly.

Anyway, she is also more than 1.7 meters tall, but Pei Shen is taller.

Standing in front of Kan Bingyu, Pei Shen lowered his head and straightened his sleeves. "Did you say it yourself, or..."

"I said it myself, would you talk to Qiaoqiao? You just said a few hours ago that you don't mind Qiaoqiao being with Chen Xi!"

Pei Shen: "..."

After a few seconds of silence, Kan Bingyu felt like crying.She grabbed Pei Shen's sleeve, "You mean what you say?"

She was wrong, she shouldn't have thought that Pei Xianxian was bronze.Because in front of Pei Shen, she is nothing but scrap metal!

After an unknown amount of time, Pei Shen's eyes darkened. "Kind of words."

Sooner or later there will be such a day, and it would be a lie to say that it is not sad.

It was just a guess before, but after getting the real hammer from Kan Bingyu's side, I felt a twinge in my heart for a moment.

He understands the truth, but it will take time to be relieved.How long this process will take, Pei Shen himself does not know.Perhaps until his sister's wedding, he was reluctant to hand over his sister's hand to another man's.

Pei Shen didn't know how deeply Chen Xi liked Lian Qiao, he only knew that as an elder brother, family affection was never shallower than love.

Kan Bingyu's legs were a little weak. After she sat down, she suddenly felt that the food in front of her was not delicious.

After washing up at night, Pei Shen went back to his room.Until sending Kan Bingyu to the airport the next day, he didn't say a word on the way.

Kan Bingyu was a little tangled, and persuaded: "Mr. Pei, they are not together yet."

"It's okay, I can understand."

Kan Bingyu: "..."

Does your state seem understandable?
"President Pei, if you want to be more open, Chen Xi will definitely obey Qiao Qiao's advice in the future."


"Mr. Pei, let's think about it differently. Instead of being entangled with Chen Xi, it's better to be entangled with your future one. If your sister-in-law is not good enough, you will be in a dilemma, right? What if you don't marry a wife all your life and die alone? , the teeth have fallen out and you can’t walk anymore, and you have no children, so why don’t you have to trouble Qiaoqiao to take care of you in the end?”

Pei Shen was silent for a while, and said, "Kan Bingyu, are you here to disturb me?"

Kan Bingyu touched his nose. "There are so many troubles in life, and if you want to forget one of them, the best way is to change to another trouble."

Just like now, she completely forgot how miserable she looked outside Pei Shen's office this morning, and her mind was full of what she said wrong.

Another example is the way to forget the old love, it is either a new love or time.

Good coverage.

Pei Shen: "..."

Kan Bingyu may be his nemesis.

Send it away, send it away immediately.

But when Kan Bingyu got on the plane and left, Pei Shen was even angrier.

The culprit just ran away, taking advantage of her.


(End of this chapter)

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