Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 52 The villain listens to the chapter, I am your aunt

Chapter 52 The villain is obedient, I am your aunt (27)

The video lasted for nearly 5 minutes, and Tao Jiajia was crying and making noise in the middle, no matter how hard she slapped the computer, she couldn't stop the video!

At the end of the film, Tao Jiajia slumped on the ground weakly.

It's over, it's over...

The image she worked so hard to create is gone...

"Do you think I'm cruel?" Lian Qiao and Shen Zhao walked out of the small auditorium side by side and asked softly.

When she did this, Tao Jiajia could hardly hold her head up in school.

In fact, what she wanted to say was that Shen Xingzhi would definitely not like Tao Jiajia after being tormented by her like this. The relationship between the hero and heroine...

System: [Oh, woman. ]
Now let's consider whether the plot will collapse?

Is it too late, I don't even know the author's own mother anymore!

Shen Zhao rubbed her head, and said, "I don't think it's cruel, you didn't slander her, you just revealed her unknown side to the public."

In a sense, since you have done something shady, you must be able to bear the consequences of being exposed.So, you still have to be upright in life.

"That's right." Shen Zhao held Lian Qiao's hand, with a serious face: "With me, there will be no conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and you will not be asked to wash the dishes and mop the floor. You only need to be responsible for continuing to be beautiful."

Lian Qiao chuckled, "Why are you so serious, I just made up a random story just now, and it really ruined my childhood."

In fairy tales, princes and princesses always live happily together, but in fairy tales it stops abruptly. In real life, the success of holding hands is just the beginning.

Shen Zhao smiled, quite doting. "The reason why fairy tales are beautiful is that people often fantasize and look forward to them. But Aqiao, I am willing to weave a fairy tale for you."

Weave a fairy tale and give you all the beauty.


Because of the drama, Tao Jiajia has been scolded so much that she dare not come to school.

Before Monday's morning class, Shen Xingzhi brought Song Yue breakfast and apologized to her personally.

Song Yue didn't understand: "Why do you have to apologize?" Why did you apologize to her instead of Tao Jiajia?
Shen Xingzhi pursed his lips, "I'm sorry, after all, she targeted you because she likes me."

"So...you like her?"

Shen Xingzhi shook his head, "I don't know."

Last night, Tao Jiajia held him and cried for a long time. Seeing Tao Jiajia was suffocating from crying, Shen Xingzhi suddenly thought of himself who loved Song Lianqiao crazily back then.

Feelings... are such a tormenting little thing.

Song Yue understood and stopped talking.When get out of class was over, she went to the next class to look for Lian Qiao.

To be honest, Lian Qiao was shocked by her arrival.

"Are you surprised?" Song Yue smiled lightly, "My father told me, he said don't worry, there will be a sister in school to take care of me in the future. My father said that my sister's name is Song Lianqiao, but she is actually Mr. Song's own sister. What happened last night was quite bizarre, but I guessed it was you. Sister Lianqiao, thank you."

Song Yue is a very obedient girl, obediently studying even if her grades are not top-notch, obediently falling in love with the boy even if she never knows, obediently accepting even if Tao Jiajia has done too much.

No one can refuse such a well-behaved girl, even Qiao.She smiled and said, "You're welcome, I just don't like Tao Jiajia."

"Sister Lianqiao, may I ask why you don't like Shen Xingzhi?"

She needed a reason to be more determined to give up Shen Xingzhi's idea.

Lian Qiao thought for a while, "Don't you think Shen Xingzhi and Tao Jiajia are a good match? They are the right family, and Tao Jiajia is so stalking."

After all, they are male and female protagonists, so being together is only right and proper!

Please don't harm the cute little sister, okay!
Song Yue understood what Lian Qiao meant, "Okay Sister Lian Qiao, I understand."

 Today's Chapter 6, the author didn't save the manuscript and went to code words...

  By the way, this is still a free period, I am too hardworking (narcissistically hehehe)

(End of this chapter)

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