Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 53 The villain listens to the chapter, I am your aunt

Chapter 53 The villain is obedient, I am your aunt (28)

After Song Yue left, Lian Qiao basically never saw her again.

After all, this little sister is a very obedient girl, and the two of them are not in the same class. If Lian Qiao doesn't deliberately look for her, she won't even look at her.

Song Yue's life returned to calm, but Tao Jiajia directly chose to transfer to study abroad because she couldn't bear the pointing and pointing of her classmates.

The Tao family has a big business, not to mention sending Tao Jiajia to study abroad, even buying her a villa abroad is no problem.

But to Lian Qiao's surprise, within a week, Shen Xingzhi came to say goodbye to her.

"Are you going abroad too?" With Tao Jiajia?
Lian Qiao really felt that the plot was absolutely perfect, so broken that even the author's own mother didn't know her, and she still insisted on the plot of the hero and heroine so tenaciously.


Shen Xingzhi nodded, "It's just what you think, Tao Jiajia and I will go together. If we don't do this, our family won't be able to explain to the Tao family."

After all, all of Tao Jiajia's madness was due to Shen Xingzhi.

Although he didn't do anything wrong, he just fell in love with a girl, but who made Tao Jiajia have the support of the entire Tao family behind him!

It's so flat!
Lian Qiao shrugged her shoulders, with a calm look: "Then I wish you a good journey?"

Shen Xingzhi still smiled slightly, "Just yesterday, I found out Shen Zhao's identity."

Lian Qiao rang the alarm, but he continued: "Don't be nervous, I've let go. I was thinking, if I still stalk me, I must be very ugly. And he is still my brother. It's not too shameful for my brother to steal the girl he likes."

"You can think so..." Lian Qiao pursed her lips and said, "I'm quite relieved. You are excellent, and you will definitely reap your own love in the future. Then, as your former half-aunt, Now half-sister-in-law, I wish you a bright future."

The future is bright, peace and joy.

Looking at Lian Qiao's face, Shen Xingzhi smiled deeper: "Thank you for your blessing, I don't regret liking you, but it's better not to hurt you."

once Upon a time……

He had thought of imprisoning Song Lianqiao.But he finally dismissed the idea.Because Song Lianqiao in front of Shen Zhao is so fresh and beautiful, if she is imprisoned by his side, she will not be happy.

In a sense, Lian Qiao is really his emotional first teacher.

He understood how wonderful it is to simply like someone, regardless of family background or material things.I understand that letting go is an equally beautiful thing, and I also understand that everyone has imperfections, such as his father, who once made unforgivable mistakes...

When the plot developed to this point, Lian Qiao felt that she was too good, and abruptly tossed the hero and heroine abroad.

System: [Hehe, then I have to thank you, my lord, for not killing a lot! ]
Lian Qiao: [Haha... haha... Congratulations! ]

snort!The host smells shameless (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻
At this moment, Lian Qiao's cell phone rang suddenly.

After connecting to the mobile phone, Song Zheng's extremely beating voice came over. "Hey, sister, I heard that you directly forced Tao Jiajia to transfer to a foreign country? It's amazing! These days, Song Yue's father sends me things when he has nothing to do, such as local specialties, tea, apples, old hens, etc. I'll let them stew The good soup will be delivered to you later, thief fragrance!"

"So... have you had soup?" Otherwise, how would you know that it is fragrant.

Song Zheng: "...I'm not trying to help you see if it's poisonous!"

Lian Qiao: "..." Oh, then I thank you.


(End of this chapter)

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