Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 524 Demon Lord, Do You Eat Hot Pot?

Chapter 524 Demon Lord, Don’t You Eat Hot Pot (2)

[How about you if you get it, so what if you don't get it? ]
Lian Qiao thinks these systems are quite interesting. Not only do they build groups to chat and help each other, but they also occasionally worry about performance and inspections from above.

System: [If I get drawn, I will be monitored all the way, so I can't blatantly tamper with the plot of the plane.Fortunately, you are already an existence outside the Six Realms in this plane, so you probably won't run into the hero and heroine head-on.They can't be the ones who come to eat hot pot and report you if they eat a bad stomach, right? ]
The system tried hard to recall the situation of the last inspection by the superior, and said: [I heard that the last time the system was to save the villain was drawn, the superior felt that the performance of the host was not amazing enough, restarted the plane countless times, the host has been saving the villain, and has been saving the villain for a long time. Save the villains.

When the plane restarts, the people in the plane have no memory, but the host has memory.The person above happened to be in a bad mood that time, preventing the system from erasing her memory, and then the host committed suicide once after restarting in the last plane. ...]
It's like writing a very long composition. I have already finished writing it, but I am told that the content is not enough, so I overturn it and rewrite it.Repeating it again and again, no one can bear it.

Lian Qiao sympathized with the little sister who performed the strategy mission, but what she said was a little off topic: [Tongzi, the plane can be restarted, right? ]

Is this the point?

The system was stunned for a while, then hummed: [Don't think about it, I won't let you go back.As a human being, the most important thing is to be happy.Go forward, don't look back, besides, all the supporting actors are the same person. ]
Lian Qiao originally said this casually, and did not intend to really restart the plane.After all, some experiences are good enough, just keep the memories, there is no need to relive them.

After all, it's not the state of mind when we first met again.

[Tongzi, what happened to the last host?Who is the person above you?Are there many, many people, or just one leader? ]

The system thought for a while, and said: [Later, that host was driven crazy, and the system that saved the villain didn't bring the next host for a long time.As for the people above... I don't know either. ]
The system really didn't know, and because it didn't know at all, it panicked.

At the same time, chatters in the system group were in full swing, and they were crazy @前的事务...... The principal Tongzi saved the villain system.

Dismantling the CP system with bare hands: [Please introduce it in detail, is the boss fierce?Man or woman or woman doctor?What does it mean to be in a bad mood?It's too scary, the plane I've been working on recently is too cruel, if it is restarted repeatedly, let alone the host, even I myself will crash! @Save the Villain System]

Medicine system: [That's right, restarting the plane repeatedly is a trap, isn't everyone as idle as Qian'er, okay?What the hell, do you want me to save a person, kill him, save him, and kill him again? (doubt.jpg)]
Rich system: [? ]
Magic Stick System: [Hahaha I laughed so hard.Don't worry too much, everyone, maybe it's money that gets drawn.Then the higher-ups felt that the life of the host brought by Qian'er was not comfortable enough, so they restarted and tried again.It’s hard work, every day besides eating and sleeping, otherwise it’s a waste. It’s so boring to raise fresh meat, hahaha. ]
Rich System: […]

 It has been finalized that it will be on the shelves tomorrow, September 9st. After the launch, it will be charged from chapter 1. Each chapter has 81 words, 1000 book coins, and members are 5 book coins. In short, the charging standard is the same as other authors.

  As a preview, the plane of Mozun can be said to be a turning point, and the identity of the male supporting role will gradually surface~
  The free period of this book is very long, and the pigeons in the free period have always insisted on updating 4 times a day, and I feel great.The amount of updates after listing mainly depends on the data.If the subscription is good, it may be stable at 6 updates per day, or even more.If the subscription is average, maybe 4 more times a day to hold full attendance~
  Therefore, I hope that cuties can subscribe as much as they can, and all subscribed cuties can enter the VIP group~ In this way, the first subscription data will look better, the editor will recommend it, and there will be more updates.

  According to the plan, it should explode 3 words, but the pigeon's family has something to do recently, so I haven't saved any manuscripts.This afternoon and evening I will work hard to get the 3 character code out~
  Finally, I would like to thank all the little cuties who supported this book. The launch event will be put on the top of the comment area of ​​the book friend circle, and the group number is also there.What’s more, don’t say that if you can’t put it on the shelf without charging, the pigeon is very tired, if you don’t put it on the shelf, the pigeon will be a useless pigeon~
  Thank you again, Bixin~

(End of this chapter)

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