Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 525 Demon Lord, Do You Eat Hot Pot?

Chapter 525 Demon Lord, Don’t You Eat Hot Pot (3)

Rich system: [Am I so superficial? My host has someone he likes!No need to bao. Raise small fresh meat! ]
Magic Stick System: [Slightly slightly slightly. ]
Wisdom system: [Qian'er, you are so pitiful. ]
Rich System: [Why am I so pitiful? ]
Wisdom system: [You don't even know who your host likes.It's been so long, have you found out the real identity of the male partner? ]
Rich System: […]
Ah this...

Wisdom system: [I think you should be more careful, you can enter every plane without your knowledge, and even deceive you in the first plane with the words of the true destiny, this man must have an unusual identity! ]

Rich System: [Then, what should I do? ]

Wisdom system: [Nothing to do, anyway, he likes your host, and you are rounded up to your natal family, so he won't do anything to you.Just reflect on whether you have said anything that should not be said or done something that should not have been done. ]
The rich system pondered for a while, thinking of a sentence it once said: If you miss it, you miss it, the next one is better, the next one is more obedient, and the next one is more obedient...

I don't know why, it's a little chilly.

Originally, the group was chatting about the experience of being drawn into the rescue villain system, but then it went wrong for no reason.When the villain saving system went online, all the systems took notes carefully with a small notebook.

As a result, it said with a little melancholy: [Don't ask, I am also wondering.I don’t know why I was drawn. I don’t know what the review criteria are, and I don’t know who the other party looks like. Anyway, I can’t control the plane, and the plane has been restarted repeatedly. The host at that time and I wanted to die I have my heart. ]
Rescue the villain system: [So please ask for good luck, Goddess of Luck, Qiuqiu, please give me some more luck, money will pay for it! ]
Magic stick system: [Same request, money pays! ]

Medicine system: [Same! ]


Lucky System: […]
Rich System: […]
The system spends its days in a melancholy mood, and then finds out that Lian Qiao has already had a hot fight with people from the Six Realms.

Whether it's a little demon, a little ghost, a human, or a fairy, even if someone comes from the devil world, for the sake of the hot pot, you have to call her the proprietress warmly.

When Lian Qiao was counting spirit beans happily, the system suddenly asked: [Host, have you forgotten that there are such creatures as male and female protagonists and male partners? ]

A spirit bean in Lian Qiao's hand fell to the table with a clatter, and then rolled to the ground.

Oh hoo, I really forgot.

The system sighed softly, [Forget it, it's not important.I'd better go back and figure out what to do if I get selected for inspection by the superiors. ]
Anyway, its host really has no mission.

Everyone in the system group was in a state of panic, and even countless hosts were silently praying that they would not be selected.

But the system glanced at its own host...

Count the money as always, be happy as always.

[Tongzi, what is the current situation of the hero and heroine? ]

System: [During the robbery and being struck by lightning, I guess you won't meet the male and female protagonists for a long time in the future. ]
Lian Qiao: [What about the male supporting role? ]
System: [The male supporting role... is more mysterious, I don't have any information about him yet. ]
Lian Qiao: [Talking is equivalent to not talking about the series. ]
System: [Yes, I said it's not important. ]
Lian Qiao: [Tongzi, something is wrong with you.You have been a little too anxious recently, relax and take a deep breath, be good. ]
The system burst into tears: [It's terrible! (ó﹏ò)]

Lian Qiao: […]
Look at scaring the kids.

The theme of this plane is called: Those young people deal with the anxiety of inspection.


(End of this chapter)

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