Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 555 Elder Sister Is The Female Supporting Woman You Can't Get

Chapter 555 Sister Is The Female Supporting Woman You Can’t Get (3)

After returning home, Lian Qiao made a simple dinner for herself.Just as I was about to sit down to eat, the phone screen suddenly lit up.

It was a message from the heroine Mu Zhizhi. She said: [Qiaoqiao, it will be my sister's wedding day in a month. There is a party before the wedding, which is scheduled for tomorrow. Do you want to come and have fun? ]
Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows and sent back a message: [Bachelor Party? ]
[No, it’s just a simple get-together.I just asked Gu Anchen, and he said that he can't accompany me tomorrow because he has something to do.By the way, I heard that some friends will come to the groom's side.The friends of Young Master Fu's family should be quite good. My sister said that I can introduce you to a boyfriend. ]
In the original plot, the heroine Mu Zhizhi sincerely regarded Sheng Lianqiao as her best friend in the early stage.

In fact, introducing her boyfriend is secondary. Lian Qiao mainly wants to meet the legendary woman Ou Qingqing who is about to release her husband's pigeons on her wedding day.

According to the normal trend of the plot of the novel, the female supporting role escaped marriage usually because she heard a lot of bad rumors about the male lead, either because she heard that the male lead is an old and wretched smelly man, or because she heard that the male lead has a disability, or I heard that the male lead is inhumane because of an accident...

However, Lian Qiao specifically checked the information of the male lead Fu Yihou on the Internet, and found that the original family was happy and happy, and at the age of only 28, he was already on the rich list of Xia Kingdom.In addition, his appearance is even worse than that of the little fresh meat in the entertainment industry, and he has always been the diamond king in the hearts of Xia Guo women.

Lian Qiao didn't understand why Ou Qingqing wanted to run away from marriage...

While her thoughts were racing, Lian Qiao sent a message to Mu Zhizhi, saying that tomorrow was just the weekend and she had time to join in the fun.

Mu Zhizhi cheerfully sent Lian Qiao an OK expression, and by the way, also sent the location of the clubhouse.

At this moment, Gu Anchen also sent a message to Lian Qiao: [Miss Sheng, can I invite you out for a cup of coffee tomorrow weekend. ]
Lian Qiao: "..."

Just now, I told Mu Zhizhi that I didn't have time to attend the party, so when I turned around, I had time to buy her coffee.

As expected of you, Gu Anchen.

Lian Qiao thought for a while, and replied: [You should know about my relationship with Zhi Zhi, so you refused to go to the party with your girlfriend, and instead invited your girlfriend's girlfriends for coffee.Mr. Gu, isn't it appropriate? ]
[Miss Sheng misunderstood.Recently, there is a project in the school that needs the help of teachers from the School of Science. I didn't know anyone when I first came to the school. Miss Sheng is the best choice. ]
[Miss Sheng, don't you think I have something wrong with you?Conscience of heaven and earth, Zhizhi and I have been in a long-distance love race for six years, and I just treat you as a friend...]
Gu Anchen sent two messages in a row, each of which was hard to fault.

Not long after, Gu Anchen said again: [If Ms. Sheng feels troubled, I won't bother you.In fact, I believe that Zhizhi can also understand me. After all, work belongs to work, and life belongs to life.And this project is really important...]
What's the matter with the smell of green tea coming to my face?

What I said, if Lian Qiao refuses again, it will appear that she is not being generous enough. After all, Mu Zhizhi doesn't have any objections, so what is she talking about here.Secondly, it also seemed that she was too self-willed and not dedicated enough, and also delayed the progress of important school projects because of her personal feelings.

Lian Qiao felt a little sad.

Gu Anchen, a stealthy old fox, really has a lot of skills.

At the same time, Gu Anchen was drinking a glass of red wine in the teachers' dormitory of Huaxing University.The shaking red wine glass, the lazy and comfortable home clothes, at this moment Gu Anchen's eyes are slightly narrowed, and she is sure that Lian Qiao will not refuse.


(End of this chapter)

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