Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 556 Elder Sister Is The Female Supporting Woman You Can't Get

Chapter 556 Sister Is The Female Supporting Woman You Can’t Get (4)

It's a pity that routines are routines after all, and as long as you are heartless, routines will never win people's hearts.

Lian Qiao's reply was: [Are all the teachers in the Faculty of Science dead, and they must be looking for me?Tomorrow Zhizhi will introduce a boyfriend to me, but I'm not free!Don't look for me again in the future, otherwise you will be blocked and warned.Forget it, don't wait until later, block you now. ]
After receiving this news, Gu Anchen's temples twitched.

Trying to send a message again, a red exclamation mark appeared.

The red wine glass was placed heavily on the coffee table next to him, and he cursed in a low voice: "What the hell, can't you understand human language!"

It's really impolite to refuse like this!
During the six years that Gu Anchen and Mu Zhizhi were together, the two talked about a platonic love.Apart from holding hands, the two had no more intimate behaviors.

Mu Zhizhi mentioned this to the original owner a long time ago, saying that Gu Anchen respected her very much, and promised to wait for her until the wedding night.While coaxing Mu Zhizhi to be obedient to her, he used his smooth communication skills to shuttle among the flowers.

Never lost a hand, never rolled over.Except for Lian Qiao, of course.

Gu Anchen was so pissed off by Lian Qiao that she instead dated a married female colleague whom she had previously hooked up with at the Institute of Genetic Engineering.Opened the room and turned off the lights.After the indulgence, Gu Anchen's mind is full of Lian Qiao's noble and glamorous pretty face.

In the past, the objects of fantasy were all Mu Zhizhi's, but today...

Gu Anchen turned over and got out of bed and poured a glass of water.

The more he couldn't get it, the more itchy he felt.


On the weekend of the next day, Lian Qiao confirmed at Mu Zhizhi's place that there was no special theme for the party, so she wore skinny jeans and a vintage printed shirt on her upper body.

Lian Qiao took a random selfie, added a mottled filter, and really felt that the person in the photo was a movie star from decades ago.The beauty is soul-stirring, and the years can't defeat her color.

In the clubhouse, because of Ou Qingqing's social skills, the atmosphere became warmer after a while.

Seeing Lianqiao coming, Mu Zhizhi pulled her and introduced to Ou Qingqing: "Sister, this is the Sheng Lianqiao I told you about. Qiaoqiao is now an associate professor of Huaxing University's School of Science, which is amazing!"

Ou Qingqing had heard a long time ago that her sister had a university teacher by her side, but for various reasons, this was the first time she had seen her today.

Ou Qingqing pulled Lian Qiao to sit down very familiarly, and smiled: "Qiao Qiao should have heard of me, Ou Qingqing, the president of Huacheng Blind Date Association. Of course, this is a joke. Anyway, as long as you are single in Huacheng, there is a little Those with a little money, 90.00% of them I have contacted, and the relationship is not bad, and the remaining [-]% are also on my roster."

What made Ou Qingqing's tooth ache was that the man she was going to marry was the two percent.

She didn't want to marry, not at all to marry Fu Yihou.

Ou Qingqing really doesn't know how long she can last without emotion.

After Lian Qiao said hello briefly, Ou Qingqing said again: "I should have known you a long time ago, of course I should know a beauty of this level, and I only lack a girl like you, Royal Sister, Queen Fan, the market is very wide. cutting."

Lian Qiao: "..."

There is a taste of the blind date market.

Lian Qiao didn't come too early, but Mu Zhizhi still whispered in her ear: "There is still someone missing. I heard from my sister that there is a best man named Zhao Hang on the man's side. He and Fu Yihou are young. They are 25 years old this year. He is currently running a private hospital, and his personality seems to be a sunny boy type. He just sent a message saying that there is a traffic jam on the road and he will be there soon, Qiaoqiao, you can think about it."


(End of this chapter)

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