Chapter 62 The Villain's Obedient Side Story: Wei Qi Chapter (2)

Wei Qi agreed and became the only male artist of Meisha Entertainment.

However, Song Zheng did not arrange for him to participate in any draft, but directly arranged for the screenwriter to create a movie script for Wei Qi.

It took three years to make this movie, and it didn't matter how fine the cost was.

Wei Qi became an instant hit.

The following year, he became the Best Actor through this film, and became the favorite of directors from all walks of life.

On the night of winning the award, Wei Qi wore gold-rimmed glasses and a white suit. Even if he didn't do anything, but just sat there, he looked picturesque.

Song Zheng is so satisfied, only such a good-looking and good-tempered person can become his good friend!

The dawn of the grumpy star has arrived.

In this way, Song Zheng and Wei Qi became good friends. Later, Song Zheng found out that Wei Qi was actually the only son of the Wei family, and because he didn't want to obey the family's arrangements, he ran away from home to enter the entertainment circle by himself.

Unexpectedly, Song Zheng signed him away as soon as he stepped into the entertainment circle.

The star journey is magnanimous.

Later, in order not to get married, Song Zheng and Song's mother quarreled countless times.

With different ideologies, the mother and son could not convince each other, so they could only stalemate and procrastinate for time.So this consumption is eight years.

Eight years, both sides are tired.The focus of the quarrel between the mother and son shifted from marriage to children, and then to unfilial piety, and each time it ended with Song Zheng taking the door.

Song Zheng's real disappointment was that Song's mother brought Tao Xue over when it was a family banquet that day.As soon as Tao Xue came, Mother Song no longer had her younger sister Lian Qiao in her eyes.

He can be scolded and beaten, but it doesn't mean he is willing to let his sister suffer such grievances.

So Song Zheng left directly, and then directly disclosed his genetic disease.

Tao Xue's child was proved not to be Song Zheng's, and Song's mother's spirit collapsed all of a sudden.Seeing her son Song Zheng insisting on not getting married, and her newly found daughter Lian Qiao insisting on being with the poor boy, Mother Song's tears were all shed.

But what makes Song Zheng feel relieved is that although the road of not getting married is difficult, there are always people who support it.For example, his sister Lian Qiao, Wei Qi's father, and Wei Qi's rational fans.

"It's okay if you're not married, don't you still have me as a good friend?" Wei Qi's eyes darkened slightly, and he said slowly.

"That's why you haven't had a girlfriend for eight years? Are you single with your best friend?"

"If you think too much, it's not for you."

Wei Qi leaned on the sofa, and said again: "Let's go with fate, if I can't find a suitable person for the rest of my life, I will live next to you when I get old, didn't I agree last time?"

"Okay, I am optimistic about the nursing home. The fish pond has also been contracted, and the garden has also been repaired."

Wei Qi smiled slightly, "Okay, whatever."

"Prepare more rooms, so that my sister and brother-in-law can come and support me together."

"Isn't it nice for a young couple to live in a two-person world? Why do you have to live with a bad old man like you?"

Song Zheng: "...that makes sense too."

Later, the irritable President Song snatched Lianqiao's baby online...

Later, the four of them really retired together, fished and planted flowers together.

Lian Qiao's baby: These four old people are too good at acting.

(End of this chapter)

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