Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 63 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 63 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (1)

Lian Qiao was locked in a cage, wearing only thin clothes.

A gust of wind blew by, and she couldn't help shivering.

It's cold, and I have goosebumps all over my body!
[What the hell is this?What about the promised female supporting role that is as rich as a country?Am I really being tortured now that I am locked in a cage! ! ]

The system hesitated for a moment, and said: [Host, the matter is like this...]
After a short explanation from the system, Lian Qiao understood.

She was really being abused for a long time.

The original owner was originally the lady of the Shen family, because the Shen family sided with the seventh prince, Huangfuxi, during the process of the nine sons winning the heir apparent.

The original owner, Shen Lianqiao, was both lucky and unlucky.

It was fortunate that she was rescued and did not become an official slave.

But it was unfortunate that he got into the brothel.

I met the fourth prince in the brothel, and the fourth prince was lustful, so it was a blessing to bring her out of the brothel.

But... the fourth prince finally gave her to the chief eunuch of the East Factory as a plaything!

Who is the chief eunuch of the East Factory?That's the pervert known as Master Nine, okay?
So the original owner committed suicide by biting his tongue gorgeously on the way to the East Factory, without even seeing Lord Jiu's face.

The corners of Lian Qiao's mouth twitched slightly, and she couldn't help complaining: [Tongzi, are you sure this is the female supporting role?This is not even a dragon suit! ]

The system is also wronged: [Host, there are too many female supporting roles, but there is only one male supporting role you want. ]
Lian Qiao: [You...you mean...]
Master Jiu is her little male partner?

[Yes, host.Shen Lianqiao was the closest female character to Master Jiu.After all, if the original owner hadn't died, she would have a chance to enter the East Factory.And the other women...] didn't even have a chance to get in.

Lian Qiao: […]
Even before entering the gate of Dongchang, she was already the closest character to Master Jiu. For a while, Lian Qiao didn't know whether to feel that Master Jiu was clean and self-sufficient, or that the plot of this plane was too cheating.

Seeing that Lian Qiao was frowning, the system persuaded again: [Host, don't worry, think about the best in everything.For example, although the original owner died early, there is no memory to refer to.But as long as she becomes the Ninth Master's woman, she can walk sideways in this plane.Not to mention being rich and powerful, the male supporting role can directly chop off the head of the male and female lead and give it to you as a ball. ]
Lian Qiao: […] Because of Mao, she has an ominous premonition.

I feel that in this plane, the hero and heroine are not obstacles, but the male supporting role is the biggest danger.

What's more frightening is that she guessed right.

With a creak, the heavy door of the East Factory opened.

Lian Qiao was carried down from the carriage with a cage.

Lian Qiao: "..." Does she want to lose face?

At this moment, a handsome-looking eunuch said to the fourth prince's people: "Jiuye said, he took the little things, but he is not interested in you princes robbing the throne for fun. Jiuye only has one request, don't make too much of it." Just go too far."

These words were arrogant, in simple terms, he wanted the plaything sent by the fourth prince, but he would not help.And in his eyes, these princes seizing the throne are no different from playing games.

Although the fourth prince's people were angry in their hearts, they didn't dare to say anything more, they just said: "I'll give that to Eunuch Hai, and I hope Eunuch Hai can say a few more good words for my master in front of Ninth Master."

The person called Eunuch Hai smiled but said, "It's useless to say good things about our family, as long as the little things sent by the fourth prince can win the favor of the ninth master, it is the greatest kind words."

"Yes, yes, Eunuch Hai is right..."


(End of this chapter)

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