Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 64 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch

Chapter 64 Acting like a baby in the arms of the chief eunuch (2)

At this moment, Lian Qiao just wanted to show the middle finger to the fourth prince's subordinates.

Hai Gonggong and Jiu Ye called her a small thing, which is acceptable, but calling her a thing is really too much!

After the fourth prince's men left, Eunuch Hai squatted on the ground, looking at Lian Qiao in the cage. "Shen Lianqiao, Miss Shen?"

His voice was slightly crisp, not as sharp as the eunuch's in Lian Qiao's impression.

Without waiting for Lian Qiao's answer, Jiang Hai covered his mouth with a handkerchief, then got up directly, and told the eunuchs next to him. "Take her for a physical examination, and after confirming that there is no problem, send her to Master Jiu's room."


"Wait." Just as the eunuch was about to carry the cage away, Jiang Hai called them back again.

"Eunuch Hai, what other orders do you have?"

Jiang Hai's eyes fell on Lian Qiao's face, and after a few seconds, he frowned and said, "Forget it, just send it to Master Jiu's room."

Although Master Jiu had never taken in a woman, there was no precedent for Dongchang to follow, but Jiang Hai thought... Master Jiu should not want his things to be touched by others.

Even eunuchs, even nanny.

So after a while, Lian Qiao sat in the cage and was carried to the room.

Lian Qiao: [I'm so tired. ]
System: [You are the one being carried, the one who was carried hasn't said he's tired yet! ]

Lian Qiao: [Oh, you don't understand. ]
System: [Ah! ]

Lian Qiao: [What are you?It's me, okay? ]

In the next second, Lian Qiao: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"There are snakes!"

"Tongzi! Tongzi!!"

System: […] Don't shout, it's disconnected.

It is afraid.

Lian Qiao huddled in the cage, watching a big colorful boa constrictor surround her cage with its body!

Lian Qiao really hates that her cage is not big enough, hey!

"Hiss~hiss~" The big snake spit out snake letters and stared at Lian Qiao.

Lian Qiao is about to cry, beg Jiu Ye to keep her in a cage for the rest of her life!She doesn't want to be free any more!

Who put her in the cage?
The fourth prince, right?Little angel, it's just woo woo woo!

Time passed by, Lian Qiao was so nervous that she felt that her breathing was wrong.She held her breath, and with a creak, the door opened.

When Big Snake saw his master come back, Tu Xinzi vomited even more happily.

The snake wrapped around the cage relaxed slightly, and Lian Qiao could finally see the people outside the cage.

This person was wearing a snow-white cloak, and under the cloak was also a white robe.Further down, there is a white belt and white boots.

He was dressed in white, but it was not as white as his complexion.

White is a little morbid.

He frowned and coughed lightly, coughing up blood.Blood fell on the white handkerchief, like red plums blooming in the snow.

He is really sick, not only sick but also abnormal, Lian Qiao thought to herself.

Otherwise, how could there be such a big snake in the room? Hey!

Master Jiu didn't seem surprised that Lian Qiao was in his room, it's just this unique way of appearing...

He sat upright at the table, poured himself a cup of hot tea unhurriedly, as calm as if he wasn't the one who coughed up blood just now.

"Who locked you in the cage?" he asked softly.

The voice was extremely deep, and there seemed to be a chill in it when he carefully tasted it.

Lian Qiao asked weakly, "Will you let me out?"


"Then after letting me out, do I have to stay in this room all the time?"


The next second, Lian Qiao burst into tears. "Then I don't want it! I just like to stay in the cage! The cage is my second home! Woohoo!"

Master Jiu: "..."

The next day, the Fourth Prince personally came over to ask Master Jiu how he felt after the premature court ceremony.

Master Jiu was stunned for a moment, "It doesn't look very smart."

Fourth Prince: "..."


 Chapter 4 today~
(End of this chapter)

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