Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 627 The Moon Doesn't Sleep, I Don't Sleep

Chapter 627 The Moon Doesn’t Sleep, I Don’t Sleep (31)

Wu Chen didn't say anything, just turned around and hugged her gently.

Lian Qiao sighed softly, "Forget it, brother Wu Chen will have a smooth journey tomorrow."

Wu Chen's Adam's apple moved slightly, "Okay."

Wu Chen never thought that he could escape unscathed, he thought he would give his life to Jiangnan.

When he left the next day, it was already a cool autumn.Dew wets the boards on the pier, and even there are fewer pedestrians.

"The female benefactor stays. After the poor monk leaves Jiangnan, I wish the benefactor will be happy every year and be peaceful every year."

Lian Qiao's eyes were slightly wet, but she blurted out: "Can you keep your hair in the future? A bald head will affect your appearance."

Wu Chen thought for a while, "Then just keep it."

With a Buddha in your heart, you can do anything.

"Then can you still come to see me in the future?"

Wu Chen laughed, "The benefactor was joking, the poor monk is just a mortal and cannot go to the moon."

Lian Qiao's eyes turned red again, she turned around and waved her hand: "Okay, okay, let's go quickly. If I know that you are a benefactor, I won't come to see you off today."

Wu Chen clasped his hands together and saluted Lian Qiao's back. "The poor monk will save those 99 people, the benefactor is at ease."

Lian Qiao waved her hand with her back to him, and Wu Chen turned around and boarded the boat.

The boat gradually drifted away, and the figures on the pier gradually disappeared.

In fact, Wu Chen still remembered what Lian Qiao said that day, although the etiquette on the wedding day was cumbersome and laborious, the bride and groom were always happy.Wu Chen wanted to wish her get what she wanted, but he also didn't want her to marry someone else's wife in a wedding dress.

What is life on the moon like?

Wu Chen didn't know, and couldn't imagine.

From then on, the mountains are high and the water is far away. I can only wish her constant happiness and peace.


After Wu Chen left Jiangnan, he was also depressed for a few days.When Yao Mianmian quietly came to see her in the Tan Mansion, she couldn't help complaining: "Since you don't want to part with it, why let him go? Why don't you just go to sleep?"

Lian Qiao rested her chin on her hands and looked at the small potted plants on the table. "Wu Chen is different from Song Qin. Wu Chen is a monk. Besides, is Song Qin still willing to talk to you now? Does he stay in the princess' room every day?"

Yao Mianmian's red lips slightly curled up: "He stays once, and I grab him to sleep once during the day. If it doesn't work once, it will last for a whole day. As long as he is not afraid of delaying his business, I don't care if he stays overnight."

Facts have proved that Song Qin, who has been raped several times, has never been to the princess's room again.

Lian Qiao was originally depressed, but she couldn't help laughing when she heard Yao Mianmian's words.

Ah...how is it different from the original plot?

At this time, Yao Mianmian suddenly grabbed Lianqiao's shoulders: "Qiaoqiao, I have to thank you for talking about this. If you hadn't said that Song Qin might stay in the princess's room every day, I really wouldn't have A little psychological preparation. Now that I am prepared, Song Qin should just sleep in the study obediently."

Lian Qiao really didn't expect such a different ending. "No, no, my sister is still mighty!"

"No, no, it was my sister who reminded me well."

"Well, that's why I reminded you well."

Yao Mianmian: "..."

Suddenly thought of something, Lian Qiao said again: "By the way, sister, it is not impossible to change from a fox demon to a fox fairy. Have you paid attention to this matter?"

In the original plot, Yao Mianmian drank the water of forgetting love, thus breaking the love disaster and ascending to become a fox fairy.The plot has changed a little now, so Lian Qiao is really not sure what Yao Mianmian's final outcome will be.

Yao Mianmian pursed her lips: "I don't think about it."

"Why not consider it? What if it succeeds."

 Good night everyone~
  Don't stay up late~
(End of this chapter)

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