Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 628 The Moon Doesn't Sleep, I Don't Sleep

Chapter 628 The Moon Doesn’t Sleep, I Don’t Sleep (32)

Yao Mianmian still shook her head, "It is not certain that a fox fairy will appear in the fox clan for thousands of years. If it does appear, it will definitely marry Tianjun and become a side concubine."

Lian Qiao had never heard such a statement before, so she couldn't help showing doubts.

Yao Mianmian explained in a low voice: "The Fox Clan can be regarded as one of the best existences among the Monster Clan. If Tianjun wants to unify the six realms, it is the best choice to win over the Fox Clan. Therefore, it is basically unwritten for a fox fairy to marry Tianjun as a side concubine. promise. I don’t want to marry, so I never think about it.”

Because she didn't want to marry, Yao Mianmian left the fox clan a long time ago.Otherwise, she wouldn't have met the original owner in the bamboo forest, and even became good sisters.

"Qiaoqiao, you will be more free after you become a fairy. After all, there are only fairy Chang'e and a little rabbit in the Moon Palace. No one cares about you, let alone force you to get married. I am different. After becoming a fairy, you will be completely free. There is no freedom at all.”

After such a comparison, Yao Mianmian felt that she was still a monster.

Lian Qiao didn't know such a setting, but now that Yao Mianmian mentioned it, she really felt that being a fox fairy was not good.If you can have love and freedom without being a fox fairy, it seems to be a good choice.

At this time, Lian Qiao couldn't help feeling a little emotional.What happened to Yao Mianmian in the original plot? After she became a fox fairy, she forgot about Song Qin, and then she really married Tianjun?
The system coughed softly: [I don't know if she's married or not, but Yao Mianmian seems to have given birth to a child in the end.Whose child is this... I don't know. ]
Yao Mianmian was not the heroine of the plane in the original plot, so there is not much information describing her.

After hearing what the system said, Lian Qiao couldn't help touching Yao Mianmian's stomach. "You said that you and His Highness the Crown Prince are having a relationship every day, so you already have it..."

Yao Mianmian was terrified of Lian Qiao's mouth, and quickly stopped her, "Auntie, please stop saying a few words."

Before she finished speaking, she felt her stomach tumbling.

Yao Mianmian covered her mouth with her hands, and after the discomfort gradually receded, she took her own pulse.Then she raised her eyes to look at Lian Qiao, with a little panic in her eyes: "Your mouth...Wu Chen consecrated it for you?

I'm curious, how far have you and Wu Chen progressed?Qiaoqiao, you won't give birth to a little monk, will you? "

The corner of Lian Qiao's mouth twitched slightly: "It's impossible, you'd better take care of yourself."

Yao Mianmian snapped, her eyes slightly complicated.

In fact, all the gags were just to cover up the panic, Yao Mianmian didn't expect to... have it so soon.

Fortunately, Lian Qiao is not an outsider, Yao Mianmian sighed softly, and said: "When Song Qin doesn't love me, I can force him to have sex with me. It's a matter between the two of us, not to mention that he can pat his chest and say Is there no pleasure at all? But when he doesn't like me, I can't have this child. "

How she indulges is her business, but it cannot involve the children.

The child is innocent.

She forced Song Qin, but in the final analysis, his idea of ​​resistance was not so strong.If it was Wu Chen, Yao Mianmian wouldn't hit the gun.So in Yao Mianmian's heart, if one day Song Qin suddenly wanted to defend himself like a jade for the princess, it would be a good match.

But if she had a child... Yao Mianmian couldn't imagine how she would explain what happened to his father when the child grew up.

It can't be said that it was picked up from the trash tweet.

At that time, Lian Qiao's eyes darkened slightly, and she asked softly: "You should think about it, after all, you are a small life. I just ask you, are you really willing?"


(End of this chapter)

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