Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 639 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 639 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (4)

His voice is not as soft as other men in Fairy Tale Continent, but rather crisp and melodious.

Lian Qiao looked at him carefully.

Then she complained to the system: [The ordinary Snow White?Do people in this plane have any misunderstandings about mediocrity? ]

Lian Qiao saw that Snow White had fair skin and a straight nose.A pair of eyes are crystal clear, even with a hint of melancholy.The chestnut hair looks very soft, and it looks obedient and obedient.

Such a big boy who seems to have stepped out of a comic is called mediocre?

The system looked through the information again: [I made a mistake before, after being cursed, Snow White is not ordinary, but extremely ugly! ]
Lian Qiao: [? ? ? ]
Who believes?

The system also felt strange, and after a lot of tossing, it finally came to a conclusion: [Host, the matter is like this.Before princesses marry princes, they often have to check their bodies.A handsome and handsome prince not only needs to have perfect facial features, but also must not have any scars or blemishes all over his body, otherwise he will be looked down upon.

After Snow White was cursed, horrible bloodshot eyes appeared on his chest, so he was extremely ugly.And according to the rules of Fairy Tale Continent, no princess would be willing to marry him back home. ]
Lian Qiao: […]
After a long time, it is ugly where it can't be seen.

Seeing that Lian Qiao hadn't spoken for a long time, Nuo Yang whispered a reminder: "Master Demon King, this is Snow White from the Apple Country."

Lian Qiao came back to her senses and said, "Well, Prince Snow White said that this matter has nothing to do with you?"

While talking, Lian Qiao felt that Snow White's name was too...silly and sweet.

He coughed lightly, and asked again, "Is Snow White another name?"

Snow White was stunned for a moment, although he didn't understand what Lian Qiao meant, he still said, "The nickname is Chuhan."

Lian Qiao felt that this nickname was much more normal, and said with satisfaction, "Okay, I'll call you Chuhan."

Chuhan: "..."

When Lian Qiao said this, he suddenly forgot what he wanted to say.

At this moment, Prince Chaoyang glared at Chu Han, and said righteously: "Lord Demon King, everyone present is at fault, so why have nothing to do with him? He didn't participate in the dispute, but he didn't stop us in time Ah. I suggest that the five of us share equally, and neither of us try to escape."

If he ran away, he would have to pay more gold beans, and he would definitely be repaired by the queen even worse.

"That's right, five people share equally, and no one can run away."

The other three princes agreed one after another, and it was rare for them to stand on the united front.

In the face of the powerful and terrifying Demon King, he dare not deny this account no matter what.Now that the matter has come to this, they can only drag Chu Han into the water.

At that time, Chuhan didn't have much reaction, he just lowered his eyes and said: "Master Demon King, I really can't afford this money."

Prince Chaoyang's monthly living expenses are nearly 20, but he only has [-].

Because of his flaws, he couldn't bring benefits to the Apple Kingdom through marriage, so he has always been despised in the royal family.

Today, Prince Chaoyang brought him to this shop to buy clothes, in the name of showing him to the world, but in fact he wanted to show off to him.Show off that you can afford such expensive clothes, show off that you can wear such gorgeous clothes to a birthday party.

When Chuhan was silent, Prince Chaoyang rolled his eyes and said to Lianqiao: "Master Demon King, my younger brother really can't afford so much money, and we are actually not enough. So you see... can you give it to me?" Shall we make a discount?"

 Good night everyone~
  The pigeons are going to start saving manuscripts recently, because there should be a more important recommendation in October, and it will be updated at that time, so it has been 4 updates lately~

(End of this chapter)

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