Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 640 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 640 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (5)

Lianqiao believed that Chuhan couldn't come up with so much money.

After all, besides having skin as white as Snow White, he also took the script of Cinderella.The current queen of Apple Kingdom is his stepfather, and Prince Chaoyang is the child brought by his stepfather.

In this case, either the empress protected him extremely well, or the stepfather and Prince Chaoyang oppressed him terribly.In relation to the actual situation, Chuhan is obviously the latter.

Because Lian Qiao was wearing a mask, Prince Chaoyang couldn't see her expression clearly, and only heard her say: "What does it have to do with you if your brother can't pay that much money? If you want a discount, you'll give him a discount. What's your business? It is said that Prince Chaoyang is the most favored prince in the Apple Kingdom, and he has the best clothing, fine food, silk and satin, and the cost of food and clothing is the best.

So I think the one with the least problem should be Prince Chaoyang.If even you can't come up with this mere 170 million gold beans, is the treasury of Apple Country empty? "

Pride is the deadliest.

Prince Chaoyang was immediately dumbfounded.

Even if I lent him another ten guts, I wouldn't dare to say that Apple's treasury is empty.

At that time, Prince Peony who was next to him hooked his lips: "That's right, how could Prince Chaoyang not be able to take out these 170 gold beans?"

The United Front of the Princely Alliance fell apart as soon as it was established.

Lian Qiao didn't intend to discuss this matter with a few more people, and told Nuo Yang: "Except Chuhan, everyone will be compensated at the price of 170 million gold beans, and those who can't pay will be detained to do things. Pay off when to leave."

Nuo Yang nodded: "Okay, Lord Demon King."

So with Nuoyang's help, the queens of the Apple Country, Cherry Country, Banana Country, and Tangerine Country all learned that their prince was detained by the devil in the first place.

No country is willing to admit that they can't even get 170 million gold beans, after all, it is a matter of the royal family's face.Ever since, Nuoyang successively received golden beans from the envoys of Apple Country, Banana Country and Cherry Country.

The three princes also left in despair.

Seeing the night fall, Prince Peony of the Tangerine Country still had a smile on his face, and even patted Chu Han on the shoulder, saying familiarly: "Bai Xue, why don't you leave? Didn't the Lord Demon King confiscate your money? Let's talk about you Is there no gate control in Apple Country?"

According to his understanding, Apple Country not only has access control, but also has the highest requirements for princes, and the rules are almost strict.You are not allowed to leave the palace on weekdays, and you must go back before eight o'clock when you leave the palace.

Chuhan's eyes darkened slightly, he glanced at the sky outside, and said to Nuoyang, "Can I see Lord Demon King?"

Nuo Yang shook his head, "Prince, you should go back earlier. Since Lord Demon King didn't collect your share of the compensation, it's because you really didn't participate in the dispute, and secondly, you also took your financial situation into consideration."

Although Nuo Yang didn't understand why Lord Demon King suddenly softened towards Prince Snow White today, but it's fine if he can't figure it out, he just does things according to his master's orders.

"Prince Peony, since the empress of your country is unwilling to pay you this compensation, you can only stay in the shop to do business from tomorrow on."

Prince Peony just shrugged and said, "It should."

In fact, he is not surprised by such a result. After all, his empress mother is notoriously picky. She left him to work in Lord Demon King's shop with food and shelter. A lot of living expenses.

What is royal face?Citrus Country never cares about face.

In short, shameless saves money.


(End of this chapter)

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