Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 646 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 646 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (11)

Lian Qiao couldn't help laughing, "Have you tried it?"

Prince Peony touched his nose. "Stealed."

Pick the kind of apple that is not written on the name to eat.

"You are not afraid of being poisoned to death."

Lian Qiao still remembered that the system said that in Apple Country, poisonous apples and non-poisonous apples were almost evenly divided.

Prince Peony touched his nose again. "I didn't know it when I was young, and I was beaten up by the Queen's mother when I went back. You said that stealing should be beaten, and you dare to steal apples from Apple Country? Do you know that the number one killer in Apple Country that causes people to die every year is apples? "

After being beaten up violently, Prince Peony never ate apples from Apple Country again.

Looking at the leafy apple tree in front of her, Lian Qiao couldn't help feeling puzzled. "If even you can easily steal apples to eat, and elopements can secretly pick the apples, it seems that the control is not strict.

Doesn't that mean that if I fancy a prince, I can just pick the apples off?Anyway, he couldn't write another one again. "

Prince Peony knew that something was wrong with Lord Demon King, and this was the original purpose. "Cousin, what I ate was an apple that didn't have a name written on it. People who elope and steal apples are willing to fight and suffer. What's the point of you picking apples directly, and they don't have to go with you.

It's neither sweet nor delicious, and people can't get it, so it's really boring. "

If one day the Apple Country announces that if you get an apple, you get that person, then things will be different.Don't do anything, everyone, just squat around day and night to steal people... Bah, steal apples.

Lian Qiao glanced at Prince Peony and said calmly, "He may not come with me, but at least the apple won't be stolen or eaten by others, right?"

Peony Prince: "..."

Sorry to be offended!He ate an apple without a name, okay?

Lian Qiao walked around the apple tree and saw Snow White's name as expected.

Prince Peony only saw Lian Qiao wave her hand, and an apple seemed to fall into her hand.The apple is not big, but it has a nice shape.

Holding an apple in his white palm, he actually thought this picture was very beautiful.

In the next second, Lian Qiao used magic to transfer the apple.

The apple in his palm disappeared, and Prince Peony naturally had no chance to see the name on the apple.

Lian Qiao flicked her sleeves, "Let's go, the birthday party is about to begin."

Peony Prince: "..."

After some people stole the apples, their faces didn't blush and their hearts didn't beat.

In fact, even if Lord Demon King doesn't let him see the name, he can still guess who it is.So Prince Peony coughed lightly, and asked Lian Qiao secretly: "Master Demon King, there are not many serious princes in Apple Kingdom, one is Chaoyang and the other is Baixue. So as long as you are not interested in the princess, you must get this one." One of the two princes.

In terms of appearance and bloodlines, Baixue must be the better one, but unfortunately his body is flawed, making Prince Chaoyang the most favored prince in the Apple Country.Lord Demon King, why do you fall in love with Bai Xue? "

Lian Qiao raised her eyebrows slightly, "How do you know that the apple I took wasn't Prince Chaoyang's?"

Prince Peony puffed out his chest proudly. "You confiscated Bai Xue's money and gave him a gift, so it must be him!"

He is not stupid.

He is the smartest little prince in the orange country.


Lian Qiao chuckled, and said to Prince Peony, "Look over there."


(End of this chapter)

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