Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 647 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 647 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (12)

Prince Peony was proud, following Lian Qiao's gaze, he saw Prince Chaoyang walking slowly surrounded by attendants.

He wore a golden gown and stepped on the red carpet.The golden dress is shining in the sun, luxurious and noble with its own aura.The design of the details is perfect and exquisite, which perfectly outlines his figure, but also looks low-key and connotative.

So when Prince Chaoyang appeared in the palace, all the guests present were shocked by his beauty.

Lian Qiao's smile deepened: "This is my gift to Chu Han."

Of course Prince Peony knew it was something from the Demon King's shop, and he also knew that Prince Chaoyang couldn't afford this dress.

He was a little angry, "That's for Bai Xue too, why did he wear it?"

Noticing that Prince Peony wanted to rush forward to argue with Prince Chaoyang, Lian Qiao patted him on the shoulder. "It's just a piece of clothing, what's the point. From now on, all my things will be Chuhan's, how can Chaoyang snatch them all?"

Peony Prince: "..."

Sorry, he is not sensible.

But he was suddenly so sour.

Hey, he is also soft and obedient, can Lord Demon King take a look at him.

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, Prince Peony felt that the world was magical again.May I ask when did he fall into the man who wanted to be the devil king?
Is it because the other princesses are not fragrant anymore, or is he drifting away? ?

At that time, the birthday party had already started, and Prince Peony and Lian Qiao sat down in an empty corner.

Lian Qiao's original intention was to watch a good show in a low-key manner, but she didn't expect Prince Peony to be as ostentatious as a flower.Not long after he sat down, various princes and princesses came to him to chat and say hello.

Among them, the princes greeted like this: "Prince Peony, I heard that you have been working as a clerk in the big devil's shop recently. Ahahaha, it's too miserable. The big devil must be very fierce, and he has ravaged you a lot, right?
Hey, who is this?your cousin?I’ve never heard of it, can you tell me a little bit about it, your cousin’s hands are so white, what skin care products do you use?Is your cousin married, why is she wearing a mask, is there a boy you like..."

The princesses greeted like this: "Isn't this the Peony Prince? I heard that you worked as a clerk in the shop of the Great Demon King recently? Tsk, it's so pitiful. She will definitely not be pitiful when she looks like that.

Or if you marry me, I will help you pay off your debts?Anyway, we have reached the marriageable age.This is... your cousin?Cousin is good, cousin is good, let's go horseback riding and archery together another day? "

Ever since, Lian Qiao was first humiliated because of her identity as the devil king, then boasted about her status as a cousin, and by the way was quietly asked if she was married.

Although no one dared to ask Lian Qiao directly, she still felt that she was being watched.

The princes communicated quietly with Prince Peony, occasionally looking eagerly and shyly at her.Lian Qiao just felt helpless, "Talk first, I'll go to another place."

"Devil...cousin." Prince Peony caught up with Lian Qiao, and said, "Although they are princes, they are not descended from queens, so they are not valued in the royal family. The reason they promote themselves so enthusiastically is that they don't want to be political. The victim..."

Prince Peony explained a few words, and Lian Qiao hummed. "It's not easy, but I can't help them either."

She can't marry everyone, can she?

Prince Peony is rare and serious: "It's not that I want the devil to help them, but I just hope that the devil doesn't think that they are reserved on the surface and debauched in private. They just think that I am reliable, so they ask me for news about you."


(End of this chapter)

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