Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 653 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 653 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (18)

Prince Chaoyang hides behind Princess Daoying, charming and charming. "Exactly! Demon King, you should give up your heart. I, Chaoyang, belonged to Princess Knife Shadow at birth, and I will be Princess Knife Shadow's ghost when I die!"

Lian Qiao swore that this was the funniest joke she heard today.

She likes Prince Chaoyang?
Is she crazy.

Cursing her lips, Lian Qiao said slowly, "When did I say I fell in love with you?"

You'll really put gold on your face.

Prince Chaoyang rolled his eyes, "If you don't like me, why did you give me such an expensive dress as a birthday present? You even poisoned me, isn't it just to separate me from Princess Knife Shadow?"

As soon as the words came out, Princess Daoying believed it, and both the queen and the empress believed it.

At the same time, in that corner of the palace, Prince Snow White gently stroked the gift box with his fingers, his eyes darkened slightly.

It turned out that she also gave Prince Chaoyang a birthday present.

Lian Qiao's eyelids twitched, thinking that Chao Yang would really cause trouble for her.It's okay not to mention the birthday present, but will the little prince quarrel with her if he mentions her?
Prince Chaoyang is betting that the Bet Demon King will not involve Prince Snow White.

As long as the devil doesn't want others to discover her love for Snow White, he can insist that the devil likes him.

In this way, the Demon King has the motivation to poison, and Princess Knife Shadow will not give up on him!
Lian Qiao admitted that Prince Chaoyang reacted very quickly on the spot, and more importantly, she really didn't want to let Prince Chaoyang go so easily, so the game of cat and mouse has just begun.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and said with a light smile: "It doesn't matter whether I like you or not, anyway, the poison has already been placed, and it will be placed on your clothes."

Prince Chaoyang's heart skipped a beat.

how come……

The person who poisoned him was really the devil, but wasn't this dress given to Snow White?So he was poisoned for Snow White because of greed?

But why did the devil want to kill Snow White?
Or did the devil guess that he would button up his clothes?
True and false, false and true.

Prince Chaoyang is really confused now.

Seeing Prince Chaoyang's suddenly pale face, Lian Qiao said: "There is no cure for this poison, and the scars on your hands will never disappear for the rest of your life. Prince Chaoyang, as for your marriage contract with Princess Sword Shadow... I wish you good luck. "

When Lian Qiao left the palace, Prince Chaoyang collapsed powerlessly on the ground.

He felt that the Demon King knew everything, and the reason why he didn't tell the truth about the bloodshot Prince Snow White's chest was to play with him slowly.

Watching him struggle, watching him despair.

At this moment, Prince Chaoyang glanced down at his hand.

It really is retribution.

Snow White lost his chance to have everything because of the blood on his chest, and when he was about to get everything... he was hit in the face.

Who is worse?
Prince Chaoyang didn't know, he just felt that he was being manipulated by the devil.


Prince Chaoyang collapsed on the ground, decadent and pitiful.

The queen hugged him distressedly, "Chaoyang, my child, what should I do..."

When the queen cried bitterly, the queen suddenly remembered that when Prince Snow White was cursed by the wizard, he didn't cry and make a fuss, but just sat on the bed with his pillow in his arms.

He lowered his head slightly, his eyes moist.

After all, the queen is a woman, and a powerful woman.Although he knew the importance of intact and fair skin to a man, he could only offer a few words of consolation feebly.

She can't empathize with her, and she can't give him the meticulous care like her father.

At that time, Snow White's biological father had passed away.

Seeing the scene where the queen hugged Prince Chaoyang to comfort him, the queen was thinking how sad Prince Snow White must have been in the past.


(End of this chapter)

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