Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 654 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 654 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (19)

He was just a kid back then.

The queen couldn't bear to recall any more, so she simply told the queen: "Take Chaoyang back to rest and take good care of him."

The queen wiped away her tears, "Queen, Chaoyang's hand..."

"Let's talk about it later." Now her mind is full of Prince Snow White, how can she have the energy to care about Prince Chaoyang?Besides, she's not a doctor, so what's the use of looking for her.

After the Queen left, she immediately went to Snow White's room to find him.

But there was no one in the small room, the queen couldn't help frowning: "Where's Chuhan?"

As soon as the words fell, the queen realized how long she hadn't called Snow White by his nickname.

The female officer pursed her lips: "Prince Snow White may have gone out to relax."

go out and relax...

The queen's expression was a little bitter. "You also think he is in a bad mood today?"

Not just today.

In the eyes of the female officer Tongxin, Snow White has never smiled sincerely since he was cursed by the wizard.

Tongxin followed the queen all her life and had no children, except for Prince Snow White.But she is only a female official, and she cannot freely enter and leave the place where the prince lives, and the places she can take care of are really limited.

Tong Xin hesitated for a moment, and said: "Today is also Prince Snow White's birthday, every year he will leave Prince Chaoyang's birthday party early, and then go to other places to relax."

The queen walked into the small room, her fingers lightly slid across the table. "I ignored him."

Tong Xin lowered his eyes: "The Queen manages everything every day."

What a great reason for everything.

But the queen couldn't accept this reason.When Snow White was cursed, she abandoned this child and raised the child she brought after her.

Every day is full of opportunities, but she holds a birthday banquet for Prince Chaoyang every year, and regularly arranges for him to meet Princess Daoying every year, so as to connect with each other.The living expenses for Prince Chaoyang will also be watched personally, and the basic necessities of life are taken care of...

Now the Chaoyang Prince she carefully cultivated is also ruined, and everything seems to have returned to the original starting point.

The queen's eyes darkened slightly. In any case, she had ignored Snow White all these years.

"How are you preparing for the candidates you collected a few days ago?"

Prince Chaoyang turned 20, and Prince Snow White turned 19.Prince Chaoyang can marry, and Prince Snow White can also choose in advance.

Tong Xin lifted her lips and said, "It's a bit difficult to return to the queen, and it's still being selected."

"Still being selected? How long has it been?"

The Queen's tone was a bit heavy, and Tong Xin could only bite the bullet and said: "Except for the princesses, we really know too little about the daughters of female officials."

In the past, princes were directly married to princesses, so this is the first time that a situation like Snow White has happened.

"Empress, we must ensure that the other party is innocent, has no bad habits, domestic violence, alcoholism, and medical history. What's more important is to respect the prince after marriage, and never despise the prince because of his flaws..."

What Tong Xin wanted to choose for Chu Han was the most suitable woman.

The queen sighed softly, "Forget it, there is no rush, you pick some candidates slowly, and send them back to me when you are done."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen."

The queen and Tongxin left after not staying in Chuhan's room for long.

At the same time, in the small garden not far from the palace, Lian Qiao was helping him tie his cloak.

White and slender fingers fluttered in front of his face, and the back of Chu Han's ears were slightly red. "Master Demon King, I will do it myself."

Although he was cast with an invisibility spell, in this open-air garden, Chu Han still had a sense of taboo that he would be discovered at any time.

Lonely man and widow, she is still helping him tie his cape...


(End of this chapter)

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