Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 656 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 656 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (21)

When Lian Qiao returned to the shop, Prince Peony was crying on the sofa.

Although this guy has a more lively personality, he is a man after all, a fair and beautiful man.

The beauty was crying, logically speaking, Lian Qiao should feel distressed.However, this guy is so gifted in comedy that it looks like a joke when he cries.

Lian Qiao rubbed her nose and said helplessly, "Okay, don't cry. I'll give you a vacation, can you go home and rest for a while?"

After all, Prince Peony's grievance this time has nothing to do with her.

Prince Peony's nose turned red from crying, "How long?"

"How long do you want?"

Prince Peony thought for a while, "Forget it, you can't satisfy me."

Lian Qiao: "..."

Sorry, it has been connoted.

Nuoyang next to him coughed lightly, and Prince Peony realized something was wrong, and hurriedly explained: "Master Demon King, I didn't mean that! I just wanted to say... Forget it, I won't say it."

Lian Qiao: "..."

You said it, otherwise if it spreads out, what will others think of her majestic Lord Demon King?
Prince Peony continued to cry, Lian Qiao helped her forehead helplessly.

After an unknown amount of time, Prince Peony cried until his voice became hoarse, and he couldn't cry. He choked up and said, "You, you don't coax me."

Lian Qiao: "..."

Nuo Yang: "..."

Lian Qiao still gave Prince Peony a vacation, but he didn't seem to want to leave the shop.

So the next day, when Nuoyang normally opened the door to receive guests, Prince Peony had a holiday and leisurely leaned on a chair to eat oranges.

Ever since Lian Qiao lowered the price of sanitary products, it wasn't just men from rich families who came to buy things in the store.Ever since, Prince Peony doesn't know whether Mrs. Demon King is making small profits but quick turnover, or is losing so much money that even her own mother doesn't know her.Prince Peony only knows that... the traffic is getting bigger and bigger.

Sitting on a chair, Prince Peony watched the shop staff introduce products to customers, collect payment, and send customers away. He felt that being a devil was really comfortable.Every day without doing anything, the business in the shop is still going on in an orderly manner.

"I sleep until I wake up naturally, counting money until my hands get cramps." Prince Peony said with emotion, and then got up to help other employees work together. "This is simply the life I dream of."

Nuo Yang hooked her lips and smiled slightly: "You are a man, what do you want so much money for? Fortunately, you are a prince. If you say this sentence from an ordinary man and it is heard by others, you will probably condemn this man as a I'm a gold man."

Most of the men in the Fairy Tale Continent stay at home to take care of their wives and teach their daughters, and the work of earning money and supporting the family is left to women.Follow the mother at home, obey the wife when married, and obey the daughter when the husband dies. This is the life creed they must abide by throughout their lives.

Women's pursuit of money can be said to be to support their families. If a man loves money, he may be accused of worshiping money and not doing his duty.

Prince Peony snorted softly: "What do gold-worshiping men not worship gold men? Let me tell you, no matter if it's a woman or a man, as an ordinary person, no one can feel his conscience and say that he doesn't love money. "

"That's a good point."

Lian Qiao's sudden appearance startled Prince Peony, and he touched his chest. "Scared me."

He also said this in the school before, but was heard by the teaching lady, who directly reported him to the queen.

That day the sky was blue, the water was clear, and the chirping of the birds was crisp.Of course, the strength of the queen mother's whip was as steady and ruthless as ever.


(End of this chapter)

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