Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 657 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 657 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (22)

After being beaten, Prince Peony never said those words again.To this day, in this shop, he said it again in a strange way.

Hearing Lian Qiao's praise, Prince Peony was both surprised and delighted: "Master Demon King also thinks I'm right?"

Lian Qiao hummed, "Continue."

Prince Peony cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "I think, women's pursuit of money is to support their families, and men's pursuit of money is not necessarily worshiping money. How come you worship money when you make money with your own hands? It is our life value!
Of course, I know that some men want to marry a rich woman to get a rich life in the future.There are also some men who change their minds and abandon their original wives for a richer life.How should I put it, this..."

Is this money worship?
Those who get something for nothing and only want to rely on women should be regarded as worshiping money.

Seeing that Prince Peony frowned because of his entanglement in worshiping money, Lian Qiao smiled slightly: "Okay, I understand what you mean. But you have to understand that women are superior to men in the Fairy Tale Land, and I can agree with your point of view in this shop. After leaving this shop, your open remarks still cannot be accepted by others."

Of course Prince Peony understood this situation, his eyes darkened slightly: "But Lord Demon King can understand me, I am already very happy."

Originally, he always thought that he was a different kind on this continent. He didn't dare to say that everyone was drunk and I was sober. He could only say that he was incompatible with other people's ideas.

Unlike others, no matter how well you hide, you can feel lonely at times.

What Prince Peony didn't understand was that Lord Demon King is also a woman, so how could she recognize the value of a man?

It’s weird.

Lian Qiao just had nothing to do to check the accounts, and happened to hear Prince Peony and Nuo Yang talking about men worshiping money, so she interjected a few words. "Honestly, I appreciate you."

In a sense, this is the awakening of the awareness of equality between men and women in Prince Peony's mind.

Lian Qiao smiled slightly, and said again: "But you can't change the world, you can't change the thoughts that have been passed down for thousands of years and have left an incomparably deep imprint on people's minds. You have to remember that if you feel that work If you can realize your own value, you go to work.

If others try to restrain you with traditional ideas, don't doubt yourself and always do what you think in your heart.This road may be lonely, but there will definitely be more and more people like you. "

A sober person is the most painful, because he can no longer accept the surrounding environment, but he cannot subvert the surrounding environment, and is still subject to the surrounding environment.

"But don't worry, you can come to me at any time in the future. The Demon King's shop will not close down, it will only expand. More male employees will be needed in the future."

Lian Qiao doesn't intend to overturn the world, but she is willing to take care of all the men who try to change it.

In the future, as long as the devil's shop exists, people like Prince Peony will not feel lonely.The devil's shop will always be their backing.

At this time, Prince Peony suddenly realized.

It turns out that the devil lowered the price of sanitary products because he was actually thinking of men.What she wants to do is improve the living conditions of men.

It's just that the Demon King is a woman after all.A woman... why would she do such a thing?

Prince Peony really couldn't figure it out.


(End of this chapter)

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