Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 658 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 658 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (23)

Although Prince Peony couldn't figure it out, it didn't hinder his admiration for Lian Qiao.

Prince Peony threw himself into the work in the shop excitedly, completely forgetting that he was on vacation.

Lian Qiao shook her head helplessly, and was about to leave when she saw Chu Han walking in from the outside.He was wearing a black dress, which made his skin fairer.

Unlike the male counterparts in other planes, Chuhan's skin is too fair.With icy muscles and fine bones, coupled with the faint sense of sadness in his eyebrows and eyes, even if he didn't say anything, just standing there quietly, it was enough to make Lian Qiao's heart flutter.

Let's use an inappropriate analogy. For a beauty like Sister Lin, who would not feel a little bit of pity when seeing her?So a man like Chu Han, if he doesn't have red blood on his body, is bound to be the object of competition for princesses from all over the world.

"Is something wrong?" Lian Qiao asked softly.

This soft and shallow sentence made Prince Peony tremble.

He touched his little heart, tilted his head and complained to Nuoyang: "Look, this is a woman! When I see a man I like, I can't walk, and I can't bear to speak loudly. I wish I could pick the stars and the moon and give him the whole galaxy." !
When you meet a man you don't like, you will be a vicious devil king! "

It is said to be whispering, but it is not whispering at all.At least Nuoyang heard it, Lian Qiao heard it, and Chu Han heard it too.

Chu Han blushed at the back of his ears because of the man he liked, Lian Qiao coughed lightly, and said to Prince Peony, "Am I treating you so fiercely?"

Peony Prince: "..."

Just now he said that the demon king was cruel to the man he didn't like, and the devil asked her if she was cruel to him.

Um? ?

Do you need to say so bluntly that you don't like him? ?

Nuoyang chuckled, "Let's go, don't get in the way here."

Prince Peony: "??"

He is a prince!Why are you getting in the way?

After Nuo Yang took Prince Peony away, Lian Qiao led Chu Han into the lounge in the shop.

After pouring him a cup of tea, Lian Qiao asked, "Are you shopping here?"

That being said, Lian Qiao doesn't think that Chu Han can afford anything in the shop, except for the reduced price...

"You want to buy sanitary products?"

Lian Qiao asked bluntly, which immediately made Chu Han blush.

He really didn't know why a woman, the Demon King, could say such things so naturally.Logically speaking, shouldn't it be taboo, or even avoided?

Lian Qiao personally took the best product, "Use this one, is it already here or..."

Chuhan felt even more embarrassed, "Not yet, there are still two days..."

Lian Qiao hummed, "Then don't eat raw, cold and spicy food these two days. During this special period, take care of yourself. If the pain is severe..."

Chu Han's eyelids were narrow, afraid that Lian Qiao would tell jokes that other women often said.What is it like to exchange one night for October peace or something.

He didn't like it, he even hated it for no reason.

But what Lian Qiao said was: "If the pain is severe, come to me for medicine. I'll get you that kind of medicine with almost no side effects, and you'll feel much better after taking it."

Lian Qiao said it naturally, and she relaxed a lot even with the early cold.

Ever since he was a child, except for the queen, princess, and some female officials in the palace, Chu Han basically had no contact with other women.

So Lian Qiao was the only woman he came into contact with, and she always walked into his world with a gesture that he couldn't refuse.

Chu Han always feels that Lian Qiao treats him differently from others, but he doesn't know where this uniqueness comes from.

He also felt that no man could refuse the uniqueness of the Demon King.


(End of this chapter)

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