Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 672 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 672 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (37)

Chu Han glanced at the cover of the booklet, and saw a line of small characters written in the lower right corner: Recommended for people aged 20 and above.

He hesitated for a moment, and said, "Aren't we not yet 20 years old..."

"What's the big deal." Prince Peony held the booklet and said seriously: "Anyway, we will be 20 years old in a few months. Think about it, when we are 20 years old, your father will already be [-] years old." After passing away, my father will definitely not give me such a thing. Then we don't know anything!
Bai Xue, study it with me first, it's better than letting Lord Demon King teach you. "

Chuhan thought about it, and felt that it made sense.

"Every man should read a booklet like this before getting married, otherwise it would be embarrassing not to know anything on the wedding night." Prince Peony turned to the first page, only glanced at it, his cheeks flushed instantly, and then He snapped the book shut.

"what happened?"

Prince Peony's mind is full of a picture in the booklet.He couldn't read the written words clearly, but the impact of the picture was too great.

He can understand without clothes, it turns out it's not as simple as lying down and sleeping together, but also...

Will he be in pain? Others say that a man is in pain for the first time.

Prince Peony took a big sip of tea, then stuffed the booklet back into the clothes on his chest. "You still don't want to read it, it's not suitable for children."

Chuhan: "..."

But he wondered what to do.

After Prince Peony made sure that the booklet was hidden tightly so that no one would find it, he planned to take it back to his room and read it quietly.Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he bumped into a hard and cold thing.

A corner of the booklet was exposed, Prince Peony stuffed it back, and then looked at the woman in front of him with vigilant eyes. "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" The woman's voice was chilly, like the wind blowing from the valley in nine cold days, bitingly cold.She glanced at Prince Peony, and said again: "Sneaky, have you stolen?"

"I steal? How could I steal! This shop belongs to me... my boss!"

Prince Peony was trying to organize the language to explain, and suddenly heard Chu Han behind him say something. "Sister."

"Eldest sister...Eldest sister?" Prince Peony was taken aback, and turned around to ask Chuhan, "Princess Porcelain?"

If it is called elder sister, it may be other princesses in the apple country, but if it is called elder sister, it can only be the porcelain glaze princess.

Chu Han nodded.

This is his sister of the same father and mother, and also the eldest princess of Apple Country, Her Royal Highness Ci glaze.

Although it had been too long since he had seen his sister, Chu Han recognized her at the first sight of the enamel.She is thinner than the eldest sister in memory, and she looks tougher after being exposed to the wind and sun in the frontier.

Porcelain rushed back from the frontier in such a hurry that she didn't even take off her armor in desperation.She dropped the sword in her hand, just in front of Prince Peony.Then Prince Peony subconsciously reached out to catch the sword.

The sword was caught, and the booklet fell down his clothes gorgeously.

With a snap, Prince Peony felt his heart was broken.

The kind that couldn't be put together.

Porcelain came all the way back, and originally had something to say to Chu Han.All the gushing emotions seemed to be paused when I saw the booklet.

Women in the Fairy Tale Continent can get in touch with these things very early, but men have to wait until they reach the age of 20 before they can learn anything about men and women from their fathers.


(End of this chapter)

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