Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 673 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 673 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (38)

In addition, enamel is not a young girl in her teens, so when she saw the booklet for the first time, she said, "What are you doing hiding? Those who don't know think you stole something."

Peony Prince: "..."

Um? ?

Shouldn't he be hiding this kind of thing?

When Prince Peony was at a loss, Princess Enamel picked up the pamphlet and casually flipped through two pages, saying indifferently: "If you really want to know about these things, it's useless to read this book. There is also a booklet that only women can buy." Booklet, that kind of booklet is more comprehensive and richer in content than this book."

When Prince Peony was dumbfounded, Ciena thought for a moment, then lifted her lips and said, "The difference is that this book will not tell you how to effectively prevent pregnancy, nor will it tell you how to make a man feel happy."

In short, the booklet in Prince Peony's hands is to let men learn how to meet women's needs, but it never involves men's own feelings.

Ci glaze glanced at the flushed faces of Prince Peony and Chu Han, and knew that she had talked too much. "Forget it, don't talk about it, you can't understand it even if you say it. Who is your name? Help me keep the sword well. I have something to say to Chu Han."

After not seeing each other for many years, Ciena saw that her little brother had grown up.His eyebrows and eyes have grown, and he is more beautiful and attractive than when he was a child.

Like a green apple, attractive to pick.

Prince Peony was so dazed in his mind that he even forgot his name, and left the room holding the sword and booklet.

In the room, Ciena really wanted to hug her younger brother.But after all, there is a difference between men and women, so she could only stand where she was, with moist eyes: "I'm sorry for you, elder sister. I went to the frontier alone, and I haven't come back to see you for so many years."

She thought that even if the empress married a successor, Chu Han would still be a serious prince in the palace, and his situation would not be any worse.

There was no news in the frontier, and she deliberately ignored the rumors outside, so it was not until the devil rained red envelopes that Ciena realized that things were not as simple as she imagined.

According to normal circumstances, a prince with a pure bloodline like Chu Han would definitely be able to marry an outstanding princess from another country, and finally ascend to the throne of queen.

So after seeing the small words on the red envelope, she hurried back.On the way back, she heard too much news about Chuhan.Curse, red blood, Dao Ying's divorce, the Queen gave up Snow White to cultivate Prince Chaoyang, Dao Ying and Chao Yang's engagement, Demon King and Chuhan...

Every word is like stabbing the enamel heart with a knife.

She was thinking, if she didn't leave so capriciously, if she stayed in the palace all the time, or took Chuhan with her, would Chuhan not have to suffer so much...

It's been too long since Chu Han has seen the elder sister Ciena, but at this moment, he can feel her sadness, her regret, and her struggle.

Chuhan pursed his lips slightly: "Sister, I'm fine, do you want to go back to the palace?"

It's getting late now, if you don't leave, you won't be able to rush back before the palace closes.

There was a trace of chill in the glazed eyes. "What are you doing back home? I came back from the frontier this time to find you."

Chuhan understood, it turned out that the red envelopes from the devil really spread all over the apple country, even the frontiers received them.

"Chuhan, tell the elder sister the truth, is the devil forcing you? As long as you nod, the elder sister will take you away even if she fights her life. At worst, let's leave the apple country and find Live in a place with few people. You believe in Elder Sister, Elder Sister will definitely take good care of you!"


(End of this chapter)

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