Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 683 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 683 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (48)

For a moment, the queen suddenly thought, perhaps the worst thing in Chuhan's life was meeting her mother, and the luckiest thing was meeting the devil.

She, the queen loved by the people, finally broke Chu Han's heart.But the ruthless devil king at the center of all the population warmed his years.

On the morning of New Year's Eve, the news of the Queen's death came from the palace.

Outsiders said that it was because of the death of the successor and Prince Chaoyang that the empress was so anxious that she died in the end.Only Lian Qiao knew that when she committed suicide, she had no place in her heart for her successor and Prince Chaoyang.

Lian Qiao suddenly felt that this was pretty good, at least when she went underground to meet Queen Luoshui, the Queen's heart was clean.

On the night of New Year's Eve, the original plan to go to the hot spring was finally shelved because of the news of the Queen's death.

Chuhan actually had a little doubt, but didn't say anything.For example, within a few days of the Lord Demon King disappearing, the successor, Prince Chaoyang and the Empress all passed away.So he secretly asked the imperial physician about the results of the autopsy, and the results showed that Jihou and Prince Chaoyang died suddenly, while the Queen committed suicide.

It was supposed to be the time when the lights of thousands of houses were brightly lit, and the whole country of Apple was mourning for the queen.Chu Han and Ci Ying were dressed in white and knelt in front of the mourning hall. Although Lian Qiao didn't kneel, she also changed into a white dress.

Since the queen made a will before her death, the throne of the queen was unsurprisingly inherited by Princess Enamel.

In the Fairy Tale Continent, the death of a person is regarded as a destination, so after three days of vigil, the enthronement ceremony was held according to the ancestral system.

At the enthronement ceremony, Ciena approved the marriage between Chuhan and Lianqiao as a queen, and granted Lianqiao the position of national teacher.

The incident happened suddenly, even though Lian Qiao was helpless, she couldn't face the enamel at the enthronement ceremony, so she somehow became the national teacher of Apple Kingdom.

After the enthronement ceremony, Lian Qiao said slowly: "Everyone wants to stay away from the Demon King. It's fine if you admit my marriage with Chu Han with such a big fanfare. Why give me the position of teacher again?"

Porcelain smiled slightly, "Since Lord Demon King is already with Chu Han, I naturally want to ask for more from you. Although the reputation of getting too close to the Demon King is not good, it is undeniable that from now on, I Apple Country is the most powerful country on Fairy Tale Continent.

As long as you and Chuhan are together, the border of our apple country will be peaceful every day.Sometimes face is not an important thing, Guotai Minan is the real good thing. "

Lian Qiao: "..."

All right, just be happy.

In the final analysis, Lian Qiao is just a false job in Apple Country.There is nothing to do on weekdays, the kind that still pays wages when the day comes.

Cilan originally thought that this matter would end here, but what she didn't expect was that a month later, the queen of the Tangerine Kingdom also handed over an olive branch to Lord Demon King.

Lian Qiao didn't want to be a national teacher at first, but Prince Peony rolled around...

Okay, one more is not too much, one less is not much.

Be another one.

Later, Lian Qiao received special products from various countries.Bananas, grapefruits, cantaloupe, and princes from various countries by the way.

Under Chu Han's indifferent gaze, Lian Qiao consciously packed up the prince and sent them back.Then he left the fruits from all over the world, and became the national teacher of various countries.

Ever since, fresh fruits were delivered in a steady stream, and there was another business in the devil's shop: selling fruits.

And the Lord Demon King, who was once rumored to be cruel and ruthless, has inexplicably become a peace ambassador on the Fairy Tale Continent...

Lian Qiao: Doubtful, but don’t say anything.

 Good night~
  Happy holidays everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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