Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 684 The Demon King Is a Little Girl

Chapter 684 The Demon King Is a Little Girl (49)

On the eighth day of February, the willow buds had already sprouted.

The wind blowing on the face is no longer completely chill, mixed with the fragrance of flowers, bringing the breath of spring.

At this time, there was less than a month before the birthday banquet of Prince Peony's 20th birthday, and the Tangerine Palace was rarely busy early. The Queen Ulan, who was usually digging and searching, was very generous this time.

It is said to be a birthday banquet, but it is actually a blind date banquet in disguise.

Prince Peony was gnawing on an apple in the shop, twisting his face and said: "It's okay to have a blind date party. It's to celebrate my birthday, but it's actually an announcement to the public that I'm [-] and I can get married. What do you say?" What's the difference between me and a piglet waiting to be slaughtered? If you grow up, you can kill it."

Nuo Yang's hand that was moving the abacus paused for a moment, and said softly, "There is no difference."

Prince Peony: "..." Let's say he is a pig.

At that time Lian Qiao was inspecting the work in the shop, Prince Peony tilted his head and asked her, "Master Demon King, are you coming for my birthday?"

Lian Qiao curled her lips: "What are you going to do? Did someone propose to you that day? If not, what's the fun?"

Prince Peony thought of Prince Chaoyang's 20th birthday party, Princess Knife and Shadow put the ring in the cake, and couldn't help clicking his tongue: "That's really no fun."

He didn't want to play like this either.

Kui Daoying could come up with such a bad way to propose.Fortunately, this is Prince Chaoyang. If it were him, the ring would probably already be in his stomach.

Then before giving birth to the baby, his stomach had to be cut in advance.

Putting his chin on his hands, Prince Peony asked curiously: "Where is Bai Xue? Why can't I see anyone recently? Lord Demon King, you two won't quarrel, will you?"

"What are you arguing about? Chu Han is so docile, it's strange that the two of us can quarrel." Lian Qiao put away the materials in her hand, and said: "He has gone to school, learning architectural design from Master Plin."

"Architectural design?" Prince Peony was shocked. "Didn't Master Purin not accept male students?"

Lian Qiao's eyes were indifferent, "I didn't accept it. Later, I held a knife against Prin's neck, and she accepted it. Later, Chuhan felt that going back and forth was too much trouble, and because the shop was busy, he wanted to come back to help I manage the shop. I haven’t objected yet, and Prince has already begged him to stay and continue his studies. He also said that Chu Han is a good candidate for architectural design, and it would be a pity not to continue writing.”

Lian Qiao broke Master Pulin's rules with a knife, and Chu Han used his strength to win everyone's approval.

It was only then that Prince Peony remembered that the shop had suddenly recruited new employees a few days ago. He thought it was to lighten the burden on the old employees.

I'm sorry, it's him, an old employee, who is being sentimental.

"But Master Purin has many female students, Lord Demon King, you are not afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?" Lian Qiao glanced at Prince Peony, "Chu Han is much better than you."

Peony Prince: "..."

Hey, he's also very manly, okay?

Seeing the aggrieved look on Prince Peony's face, Nuo Yang smiled and said, "What kind of mind are you talking about? Women in the Fairy Tale Land generally don't provoke married men, and married men usually don't cheat with each other. of."

Women can hug left and right, but Nuo Yang thinks... Lord Demon King doesn't seem to have that idea.

Prince Peony suddenly thought of something, and asked Lian Qiao mysteriously: "Master Demon King, you have been with Chu Han for so long, has he seen your true face?"


(End of this chapter)

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