Quickly wear a female supporting role, she is very rich

Chapter 695 If You Do Military Training, It Will Be Sunny

Chapter 695 If You Are In Military Training, It Will Be Sunny (5)

Chu Zhou didn't understand why Mr. Shan had an 18-year-old younger sister?

What happened to this world?
Is it reasonable?
Can you give him some way out?
When Chu Zhou's thoughts were racing, Lian Qiao turned her head to look at him, and there seemed to be a vague smile in her eyes.

At the same time, after the system found the identity and background information of the original owner, it stopped the process of making money and burst out laughing.

System: [Hahahahaha help, I'm going to get stuck, I'm going to die laughing. ]
System: [Hahahaha host, the male protagonist Shang Mujian called your aunt, and the male supporting role Chu Zhou wanted to call your auntie, hahaha I laughed so hard. ]
Lian Qiao couldn't help laughing out loud, Chu Zhou came back to his senses, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lian Qiao shook her head, "It's nothing, I heard everyone compliment me for being good-looking."

Chu Zhou: "..."

Since the original owner died suddenly, in the original plot, teacher Liu Tieniu did not give birth during military training, and the instructor who trained her was not Chu Zhou, so after her death, although Shan Ting was sad for a while, there was no big disturbance.

Lian Qiao thought, if the original owner died suddenly under Chu Zhou's hands...

Chu Zhou was afraid that he couldn't eat and walked around.

The two remained silent, and quickly walked to the meeting point for computer science.

At that moment, the students in the two classes of computer science were excited.

Cheng Yu couldn't help but put his arms around the neck of monitor Geng Zhe, almost swearing. "I'm going to be great. The only girl in our computer major can be worth a thousand troops! Squad leader, don't start a friendship, I'm afraid that the only flower seedling in our major will be taken away by someone!"

Then you have to cry to death.

Cheng Yu was originally a tall and thick guy, so he didn't know what to do when he was excited, and this wave of chokeholds almost sent Geng Zhe away.

Geng Zhe's face turned red from being strangled, and it was only after the boy next to him reminded him that he finally regained the chance to take a deep breath.

Lian Qiao was shocked when she saw that the two classes were all boys.Fortunately, she reacted quickly, smiled at everyone, and then asked Chu Zhou: "Instructor Chu, can I sit with you? Speaking of which, the Shan family and the Chu family still have a very deep relationship."

Chu Zhou was violently attacked.

He thought Lian Qiao didn't know.

But Chu Zhou felt that Lian Qiao's proposal was quite good. After all, except for her, all the computer majors were boys, and he didn't dare to let this aunt and grandma get too close to these kids.

At the opening ceremony of the military training, everyone wore uniform military training clothing.Although the quality is so-so and the style is so-so, it is better than being dirt-resistant and wear-resistant, and it is better than not feeling distressed after wearing it.

So when everyone was sitting on the ground in the playground, Lian Qiao was wearing a red skirt, and just about to sit down like everyone else, Chu Zhou had already taken off her coat.

It doesn't matter if the clothes are dirty, the main thing is that it is inconvenient to wear skirts.

Lian Qiao thanked her, then sat down and put her coat on her lap.

At this time, Chu Zhou said: "The military training clothes can be sent to you in advance, but without the notice and the card, you can't go through the admission procedures, and you probably won't be able to live in the dormitory."

"Instructor Chu, I heard that our school has a temporary dormitory, and Shan can live there!" Cheng Yu, an enthusiastic classmate, has already learned to answer quickly.

Chu Zhou looked back at him, neither agreeing nor rejecting.

Because their instructors lived in... it was also a temporary dormitory.


Human energy is limited, when everyone was studying Lian Qiao who was late, not many people listened to Xia Yue's carefully prepared speech.

In fact, there are very few people who can see Lian Qiao's face, but everyone can't help gossiping and reposting the pictures in various groups.

So on the first day of school, the computer major became famous together with Lian Qiao.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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